The copyrights for all material published within this section remain vested in the individual artists concerned, and said material must not be circulated without first obtaining formal, written, consent from the artist(s) in question. If you wish to contact a specific artist, and are unable to trace their email address, please contact the section maintainer.
What's New : featuring the latest additions to the Fan Art section.
Inhabitants of the Discworld
City Watch
Including Detritus, Corporal Carrot, and others.
Including Rincewind and The Librarian (well he was a wizard).
Including Nanny Ogg and Esme Weatherwax.
Including The Patrician, Cohen and Twoflower.
Or 'which category should these go in'.
Those "difficult to categorise" denizens, including The Luggage.
Anthropomorphic Representations
Including Offler and Kaos.
Many images of Death, along with Susan, Mort and The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse.
Flora and Fauna
Fans in Art
fan art featuring fans and discworld characters!
This sub-section features comics created by fan artists.
Moving Pictures
also known as 'animations'.
Good Omens
Including Crowley and Aziraphale.
Some of the artists featured in the Fan Art section also have their own websites.
If you have a piece of original art that you would like to appear in these sections please contact before you submit any new artwork. We will then provide instructions for sending/receiving your artwork.
The L-Space Web is a creation
of The L-Space Librarians
This mirror
site is maintained by A.H.Davis