The L-Space Web: Biographies

Graham Higgins aka 'Pokkettz'

Cartoonist, Illustrator or Artist?

"There's a point in the conversation where people say 'So... what do you do…?' I say 'cartoonist', or if I'm feeling insecure, 'illustrator'. They brighten, and say 'Oh! An artist!' "

Graham Higgins, uncertain illustrator and society's artist, first started drawing as soon as his little hands could grasp a crayon. This was sometime after 1953 in the town of Liss, Hampshire. Given how long Graham has been grasping that crayon, it is not surprising that his portfolio is as diverse as it enjoyable.

Known primarily within the Pratchett fan world for his two graphic novels, Mort: A Discworld Big Comic (published by Gollancz in 1994) and Guards! Guards!: A Discworld Graphic Novel (published by Gollancz in 2000), Graham's work definitely does not begin or end here. Graham includes among his creations such diverse works as Rex Spendor "polymath skrillionaire showbiz legend", Pulp Dogs and 'Luke Carew, Lone Wolf Detective' (which also featured a mafia Hogfather). He has contributed to Punch, Radio Times, Q Magazine, and has drawn comics for Marvel, DC, and Knockabout.

Graham has also written, and had published, several very readable short fiction stories; The String Man (1991), Jabberwockish (1992) and Sounds and Sweet Airs (1993). [I think they're very readable anyway]

His diversity as an artist does not stop with the pen. Graham took part in a film early in 2003 (by a Singaporean storyteller, Kevin Ho( and also enjoys wasting 'far too much time' with his guitar (a Samick small-body Gibson copy).

"I've had a limited license to interpret small bits of Discworld. Paul Kidby I think is Pratchett's Audobon, Tenniel to his Carroll, and his fastidious specificity is a perfect match for the text. I guess I've thought of the two picture-books as am-dram productions with reasonable scenery budget. You assemble a cast of characters who look more or less the part, try to get them to act in character.

"Nice to see McKenzie Crook wearing the Mort haircut in The Office.

"Biggest pleasure has been Pratchett fandom. My younger son James was swept in at the first Convention, and singly and severally over the years, the little scamps 've been the best of bad influences."

In addition to his wide skills and artistic ability Graham has on many occasions, from various sources, been described as 'a top man' who enjoys a pint of Guinness. Knowing this may well make up for the fact that he is also known to be a serial harmonica abuser.

When recently asked "what do you do…?" his answer merrily avoided a succinct reply; "Still happily ticking over with illustration and graphics. A lot of education work and courses these days, using storytelling and drawing."

Mind you, he was also asked 'tea or coffee?' and wasn't sure about that one either; "Green tea, Lapsang or Earl Grey without milk; black coffee or cocoa with two sweeteners or one sugar thanks."

Whatever Graham is, we can be sure that he is good at it.

Examples of Graham's Artwork

This biography was written by Rose W. and the page was created for L-Space by elfin

The L-Space Web is a creation of The L-Space Librarians
This mirror site is maintained by A.H.Davis