When you use the Cygwin shortcut previously described, an MSDOS window will pop-up - hopefully with BASH-2.05$. You are now in Bash - the default command-line shell for Cygwin. We suggest you experiment with Bash as you're going to spend a lot of time here!
Some useful commands are:
help [pattern]
Displays helpful information about builtin commands. If pattern is specified, help gives detailed help on all commands matching pattern, otherwise a list of the builtins is displayed.
ls : directory listing
This will list all the files/sub-directories in the current directory.
If you having problems distinguishing filenames from directories in the output, try using
ls --color
This will list as above but displays different items in varying colours
Prints the name of the current working directory
cd : change directory
Remembering that "../" takes you up one directory.
If you are moving to a directory whose name includes a space, you may have to quote the directory name - E.g.
cd '../lspace work'
To change to another drive, try using
cd E:/Windows
If this does not work successfully, try
cd /cygdrive/e/Windows
make : changes .h4 files to .html pages
Change to the sub-directory in which you are working first - eg.
cd d/lspace/fandom/afp/filks
This can save a great deal of time rather than running make from your working root directory.
find : similar to Windows Find utility
For example, to search your current directory tree for unexpanded macro calls:
find . -name '*.html' | xargs egrep '_[A-Z][A-Z]+'
To search for unescaped ampersands (& as opposed to &)
find . -name '*.h4' | xargs fgrep '& '
(At present, although find works perfectly under Cygwin, there is a problem with the | character - namely that 'SHIFT-\' does not function. We are looking for a workaround.)
exit : exits cygwin
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