'Nuff said. Move along, now. There's nothing more to see.
Oh, all right then. If you really want to know who the shady faceless
figures who manage this newsfroup are...
Andy Fawcett, tap@lspace.org and Robert Collier, rob@lspace.org, moderate the group. This means they look after day-to-day tasks like approving articles and bouncing spam with extreme prejudice. The gestalt moderation entity can be reached at afpa-mod-request@lspace.org.
Mike Knell, mpk@lspace.org, is Moderator Emeritus. He moderated the group from 1994 until 1998, before going into happy retirement (and taking on moderation of two more newsgroups to compensate). He still thinks people should buy him drinks.
Darrell "Fluffywuffy" Ottery, darrell@lspace.org, revels in the title of Co-Moderator. This means that if anyone objects to having their article rejected as inafparopriate, he gets asked for a second opinion, which is binding on the moderator. So far, this has only happened once, over the Great Purity Scores Fiasco.
The L-Space Web is a creation
of The L-Space Librarians
This mirror
site is maintained by A.H.Davis