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Eindhoven: Announce

From: Eelco Giele <>
Subject: [ANNOUNCE][F] Post CCDE NL Meet, Eindhoven, Saturday August 14th.
Message-ID: <>


Post CCDE NL Meet, Eindhoven, Saturday August 14th.

What is there to say. The Clarecraft event was fabulous, and the only
thing left to us poor mortals who attended is lots of stories, photos
and the waiting for the next one. With the waiting I can't help, we
will just have to suffer. The stories and photo's however need to be
told and shown respectively[1]. What better way to do this then in
the company of those who were there and even those who weren't
there[3] while enjoying food and beverages[4]. The venue being
"honoured" by our visit will, as usual, be the Trafelgar Pub, where
we will also consume our food.

The meeting will start at about 18:00-ish.

At this moment I have reservations for "5 to 20 people". It would be
a nice gesture if I could give them a more accurate count, so,
please, let me know if you will be there. Before tuesday for

For those who have never been there (do they exist?) a short
description: Leave trainstation through south entrance (down the
stairs left), walk to street, look left, look right, if all is clear
cross street, walk straight on, when you are eyeing the cinema up
close and personal, turn left, after about 50 metres the Trafelgar
pub is located on your right hand. And for those who like pictures:

Other important details:
- - Crash space will be available
- - A mobile phone will be present, mail for the number.
- - Other questions? Mail me.

Greetings, Eelco

[1] Of course you are more then welcome to tell the photos and show
the stories[2]
[2] Make a nice comic strip out of it, for example.
[3] And are thus volunteering to be gloated at ;-)
[4] The "drink the pub out of coke" syndrome.

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: noconv


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