From: Leo Breebaart <> Subject: [ANNOUNCE][F] Jennifermeet NL 3.0 in The Hague, 20-Nov-99 Date: 14 Nov 1999 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <> Newsgroups:,,alt.books.pratchett -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hi everyone, This is the final reminder and announcement for next weekend's afpmeet in honour of veteran usafp'er Jennifer Barber's visit to the Netherlands. Jennifermeet 3.0 is scheduled for Saturday 20 November, and will take place in The Hague. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the afternoon a number of us will be visiting the "Rembrandt by Himself" self-portrait exposition in the Mauritshuis. The time schedule for this pre-meet is as follows (please note that because of problems with ticket availability the times are different from the ones listed in the original announcement for this meet): 13.15 - 13.45: Convene in the ground-floor cafe area of the Babylon Shopping Center, next door to the The Hague CS train station. 13.45 - 14.00: Walk to the Mauritshuis. 14.00 - 15.30: Visit the Rembrandt exposition. 15.30 - 16.00: Walk to the main afpmeet venue: Irish Pub O'Casey's, Noordeinde 140, The Hague. For those interested in attending the pre-meet: tickets for "Rembrandt by Himself" need to be bought in advance (for information, see the URL section below), and are linked to a one-hour time slot (14.00 - 15.00 in our case) during which you are allowed to enter the museum; once in, you can then stay for as long as you like. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The time schedule for the regular afpmeet is as follows: 16.00 - 18.30: Convene in main afpmeet venue: Irish Pub O'Casey's, Noordeinde 140, The Hague. 18.30: Dinner. Afterwards: Drink, talk, eat lego, do unspeakable things to fluffy animals. For those interested in attending the meet: if you haven't yet contacted me to let me know you are coming, please do so, and specify if you will be there for dinner or not, so I can tell the pub staff how many people to expect. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some relevant links: The Mauritshuis: <> Rembrandt by Himself: <> Where to find O'Casey's: < glish&searchtype=business&locationtype=city&city=Gravenhage%2C+%27s-%7C972%7C6& id=0120508511&listype=02&busname=O%27Casey%27s&street=Noordeinde+140&town=%27s- Gravenhage&pcode=2514GP&class=Caf%E9s&faxarea=070&faxnum=3625470&telearea=070&t elenum=3630698&showmap=true&z=1&ms=1%2C80846%2C455464%2C314977239661636&showmap =true&zoomout.x=35&zoomout.y=16> If you have any other questions, just mail me. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- See you all next Saturday, - -- Leo Breebaart <> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3i Charset: noconv iQBVAwUBOC9BRVEnYeztdy65AQEzagIAq3lwmpzFAJM90ClpicUoGsr5g/spZohP u5GDyDC5kC1XTIOFk0DXUrXW6rUUeFXLalv7RdNqb8IuN18/NMghTg== =z8yK -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Submissions for to: All submissions are PGP signed. PLEASE READ before submitting articles to afp.announce. Thanks!
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