From: (Patrick 'Turtle' Dersjant) Subject: [F] Jennifermeet 3.0 - an unofficial report Date: 22 Nov 1999 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: Unofficial Meet report[1] Jennifermeet 3.0, November 20th, The Hague, Netherlands. Attendees: I didn't make a complete list. Please see Leo's post for a comprehensive attendance list. Ta. Pre-Premeetish After Jeroen, Eelco, Rolf and Uwe arrived at my place to stack their stuff, we took the bus to Leiden to take the train to The Hague. In Leiden, the bus had to wait for the traditional dutch "Sinterklaasstoet", teaching the two attending furriners something about dutch culture and getting us all to think we missed our train. It turned out that no direct trains were running due to works or something; so we had to change trains and arrived a bit later, though still on time. The dutch railways were really showing their One True Side that day... When we finally arrived in The Hague, we had to look quite hard to find Leo. Even a phone call from Eelco's mobile didn't let us find him; instead we found Kim, who let us to Arwen and Cybercat sitting on a terrace in the shopping mall, "near the elevators", just as Leo had said. Another phone call did find Leo and Tony, who turned out to sit only ten meters away, at the other side of the elevator. Arwen and Kim hadn't seen him, and Leo hadn't seen them, leading to a discussion who was supposed to see who. Shortly afterwards Jennifer arrived, towing Iris with her. The amount of expected furriners was in danger of outnumbering the dutch contingent on their own soil! A couple of minutes later we departed towards the 'real' premeet, the Rembrandt exhibition, leaving Eelco and Tony to wait for Gideon and Mel to show up. The Premeet A short walk through The Hague, demonstrating amongst other things the obedience of a large group waiting for a red pedestrian traffic light[3], and Leo's self-proclaimed leadership. ('See? You keep following me'[4]). At the exhibition we met Leo, and handed in our coats and bags at the wardrobe. Normal fee was 1 guilder per item, but as we discovered, there were also hidden criteria. Arwen was charged hfl 1,- for two bags and jacket where the women in front of us had to pay hfl 3,- for a shawl, a jacket and a small bag. Unfortunately, we were not able to discover the exact criteria, as the time for scientific experiments was limited. Once inside the exhibition everybody went on in his/her own pace. I found most of the paintings to be wonderfully done in a technical sense, but it didn't spark any flame in me. Well, I do prefer more impressionistic paintings as e.g. JMW Turner. Strangely enough, the most appealing pieces were an unfinished self portrait[5], a couple of trial etchings and the ceiling of the main hall, not done by Rembrandt, but painted in bright, abstract colours. When coming out of the exhibition, Arwen, Cybercat, Jennifer, Kimberley, Jos and me gathered in the entrance hall to wait for the remaining people. However, soonish a guard wanted us to leave and sit in a smoking section (where there weren't enough free tables to fit us). As he couldn't or wouldn't supply us with a viable alternative, we practiced our Civil Disobedience and staid. Fifteen minutes later, Leo and Labrat arrived as the last ones out of the exhibition, so we got our stuff and went to walk to the pub. During the walk, Jos and me unknowingly set a steep speed, causing comments from the rest of the crowd. This led to Jos filking on 'Les Miserables': 'Do you hear the Guinness sing, singing the song of thirsty men?'. The Meet itself Once at the pub we settled down and immediately met Jeroen Burger, as well as Olaf and Sindy Leimann. The pub staff had reserved the entire back of the pub, which seemed too big for us, but turned out to be quite ok. As the first round of drinks was ordered (waiter: 'What will you drink?' people: Guinness, cola, guinness,... Labrat: 'Kilkenny' Cybercat: 'OH MY GAWD!' two people: 'Bastards!'), fluffy toys were unpacked. I probably lost count, but they including a Mr Hat hand puppet, 1 large Tux penguin, 2 small Tux penguins, 1 Dolly the sheep (including 'BEH!' sound), 1 magnetic sheep (no sound, but very very attached to the sugar dispenser), 4 elephants (incl. sound), a duck (what duck?), The (official meat) seal, a strange brown fuzzy ball making some undetermined noise[6], a pink pumpkin making a whistling noise, and possibly others. After everybody had settled down, Eelco, Tony, Melusine and Gideon arrived at the pub, under a loud cry of "Eek!" of those already present. Somehow, all fluffy toys immediately tended to float towards the corner with Mel, Kim, Jennifer and Iris - a Tux was confiscated by Mel and spent most of the rest of the evening in a comfy, warm place. Soonish, lots of foodstuffs were handed around and consumed, even before we were able to order dinner. A card for James Higgins ("who is a nice kid and doesn't deserve to have any parts of his body broken") was ("what, massage James?" - Melusine) handed around and signed by everybody present. The inevitable toy collection was unpacked and played with extensively, in the middle of which Daniel arrived, with a bit of a worried face (possibly 'what have I got myself into?'). Loads of subjects were discussed, both before, during and after the food was consumed. I'll sum up a couple of subjects: Leatherman geeking, Organizer geeking, toys, food, oirish folk, star trek, etc. etc. etc. Other notable moments during the evening happened, when a penguin had his head stuck into the back of a duck, and another one was pierced. Loads of juggling happened during the whole meet.Food to the accompaniment of Oirish folk music, leading up to a lesson in Oirish Folk Dancing by Mel. This however did lead to the pub people first putting on undanceable Christy Moore music, and finally, shutting down the two speakers in our part of the pub. This did however make conversation a lot easier. The chip slapping dance... with Gideon and Eelco Just as on the last meet, again there were presents from Karen, which were now unpacked by those who got them. Eelco got a fish pond, and a disguise set, of which I didn't catch the meaning (anyone on this)? Both Kimberley and Arwen got a 'My little pony' set, 'so Arwen can teach Kimberley to not be mean and evil, but a nice, nice girl', if I remember correctly. However, as a fact it was Leo who played with Kim's pony set during the meet, and with Arwen's set during breakfast the following morning. The inevitable technical geeking reached its summit when Mel tried to connect to the Internet with her Laptop and mobile phone. Even though we tried several dutch GSM providers, Internet providers in the UK and ways to dial out, this was cut short by the laptop battery being (almost) empty. However, shortly afterwards I was able to use the mobile phone and my psion to connect to my own provider, and with Tony's help a short IRC session happened. There were greetings from Roach, the Cambridge meet, and somebody else (oh, no notes on who that was - sorry, person ;), both via IRC and 'normal' voice communication. After the meet. Quite earlyish, at eleven or so, we packed our stuff, payed the bill and walked to The Hague HS station, to get everybody to his or her crash space. Most people were staying in Leiden and had to take the last train. However, as a service from the dutch railways, that train was delayed by 15 minutes. This caused us to miss the last regular bus, and forcing us to use the regular taxi service. However, thanks to a hidden clause in the railway's policies, a short discussion with the station attendant got us free transport home. Once at my place, computers were powered up for a shortish IRC session before everybody went to sleep. Sunday - the Breakfast Club We had agreed to have breakfast at my place with everybody but Olaf, Sindy, Reinier, Jeroen Burger, Iris, and Gideon and Mel (who had to catch their return flight - sorry you weren't there...). So after getting up and making coffee and tea, we waited for those crashing at Leo's and Jos' place to arrive at a quarter past ten or so. Large quantities of bread products (muffins, crumpets, pikelets, normal bread) were put on the table, and almost half of it was also consumed. Leo had brought his toaster, and Jos was appointed Head Of Toasting over Leo's and my toaster. Of course, comparative toasting geeking happened. After we had eaten, somehow the discussion turned to Father Ted, a series not known to some of those present, so the first episode of Series One was watched. Then Jennifer, and shortly afterwards Tony had to leave, starting the disintegration of the meet. The rest of us got up and outside, as Arwen wanted to try and juggle Kimberley's juggling rings ('One ring to rule them all...'). This led to general juggling of balls and rings, and a short walk through the park near my house. When we returned, we kept lingering and were able to watch Rolf and Uwe's unedited meet pictures from their digital camera's. As this had been a great meet, I sensed some reluctance of breaking it up, but finally at a quarter to four I was left alone when Rolf, Uwe and Eelco took the car eastwards, and the rest took the bus to bring them back to their respective homes. And then there were quotes[7] Labrat: "The 'line 42 bus from Leiderdorp to Leiden afp premeet' was *not* announced." Labrat about NOCB, US edition: "It's got a label: Warning! Feeding arsenicum to people is illegal in some states." Arwen: 'I like books, I won't hurt books.' Kim: 'Books no; people yes.' Leo: 'Incontinent about being evil?' Leo: 'You name it, I get annoyed by it.' Arwen, wanting to read my report notes: 'Can I read?' Patrick: 'No!' Arwen: 'Yes, I've been taught...' Arwen: 'Can you get it out please? <Flutters, Eyelashes..>.' Melusine: 'Tux really is the center of the world' Leo, introducing himself to Reinier: 'My name is Leo Breebart. I have been reading Terry Pratchett since...' Gideon writing to James: 'Dear James, keep your hands of my girlfriend' Leo: 'Dear James, this was a warning!" Labrat: 'Drinking Guinness is like being whipped, you have to get used to it but you like it afterwards.' Patrick: 'He's quote-fishing again...' Arwen: 'Rat needs his own fish-file!' Leo: 'There are quite a few women around. shall we take it one step at a time?' Leo, after Arwen and Kim unpacked their pony sets: 'Go off together and play nice; don't bother us...' Jos: 'I catch accents like other people catch colds' Patrick, wondering: 'where to put your diphtong' Leo: 'If I ever want a girl friend, It's not going to be one with hair growing out of her <dot dot dot>' Mel on the art of Oirish dancing: 'And then you try not to kill the barman.' Leo: 'I thought it was just a gift as a part of some weird mating ritual.' Leo: 'I just expressed my desire to have sex with all those beautiful women.' Gideon: 'He's a male vulture, he's got his own seed.' Leo: 'But he's hardly going to eat his own...' Tony: 'Ascent GRF routers are basically PC routers on steroids.' Mel when saying goodbye: 'Form an orderly queue, just remember what happened to James.' Waiter: 'What will you drink?' People: 'Guinness, cola, guiness,...' Labrat: 'Kilkenny!' Cybercat: 'OH MY GAWD!' Two people: 'Bastards!' Tony: 'Pikelets want to be crumpets when they grow up' Kim: 'It helps, if you stop watching at your balls.' Leo: 'I'm merely commenting helpfullly, humbly, meekly,...' Kim: '... and unsincerely' Leo: 'I'm actually not so much for the idea of _more_ quote-takers...' [1] Unofficial, as Leo insisted to write the meet report. 'Based on the fact that I am writing the meet report, I got Kimberley's dispensation to bring my Psion'[2] [2] /me had a Psion too - without dispensation. [3] Waiting for red pedestrian traffic lights is not normally done in the Netherlands. This actually led to a law being passed about five or six years ago, allowing people to cross the street even when the pedestrian lights are red, 'if due care is taken'. [4] Of course we did. Only Leo and me knew where we were going, and I wasn't going to spoil his fun <g>. [5] I didn't know it was unfinished until after I'd been told a short time later...<g> [6] Judge for yourself. The sound has been recorded with a Psion and will be put up together with the meet pics. [7] Thanks to Rolf & Uwe for sending me their quotes. There's even more of them, as both Arwen and Leo have taken some I don't have... Patrick 'Turtle' Dersjant suffering from meet withdrawal syndrome already... -- A marriage is always made up of two people who are prepared to swear that only the other one snores. -- (Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant)
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