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Leiderdorp: Announce

From: (Patrick Dersjant)
Subject: [ANNOUNCE][F] Videomeet 3.0 - Who hid the remote control? (Jan 8,
Date: 22 Dec 1999 00:00:00 GMT
Message-ID: <>


Hi all,

this is to announce the Videomeet 3.0, which will be held on

	Saturday, January 8th 2000

After 'Soul Music' at the first, and 'Truckers' at the second meet,
now is the time for 'Wyrd Sisters'[1]. As this is going to be a long
sit (about 150min IIRC), please be prepared that it might end later
than the last bus leaving from my place to civilization... If you
don't plan on crashing, and need to get public transport, please mail
me for information on possibilities.

The programme for the meet looks like follows:

16:30-        Meet at the English pub at the North End, Leiden. For
              directions, see [1]. I would like to point out that of
              course you're welcome to join us here even if you don't
              want to watch the video.
18:00ish      Dinner at La Bota (Herensteeg)[2]. Please let me know if
              you plan to attend this, to make sure reservations work
              out ok. Those who did mail me already are counted in
              automatically ;)
After dinner, about 19.30ish or so, we'll travel to Leiderdorp,
              probably by bus (bring your strippenkaart if you have
              one). Movie will start once we're settled down.

I will make sure that Coke(tm), beer (german) and orange juice are
available. Any special wishes for drinks, please feel free to bring
your own[3]. Also, any edible stuff is of course welcome - I won't
have much on that front, trusting the general afp-traditions <grin>.

Crash space is still available for those that haven't asked for it
already. Please mail me for details, using the reply-to address.

As this is going to be a living room meet please note the following:
There is plenty of room, but there's a limit to how many people can
comfortably watch TV. Though this limit is unlikely to be reached, I
do reserve the right to refuse admition - it's not likely to happen,
but I feel I do have to point this out. So if you do want to attend I
urge you strongly to let me know in advance - this is doubly true if
you're requiring crash space, of course.

See you January 8th - happy holidays until then.

Patrick 'Turtle' Dersjant

[1] From Leiden Centraal, walk towards the city centre. After about
300 meters a square will be opening up on your left side, and the
street itself will cross a bridge to the left. Follow the street, then
turn right after the bridge, following the street again (right on
would be a pedestrian zone). You should see a floating cafe to your
right. Keep on for another 100, 150 meters and you will walk straight
into the North End. We Will Be There <g>.
[2] Unfortunately I have no directions here...
[3] If you *do* bring single malt whiskey's, please be prepared to
share <biggrin>

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