From: Kimberley Verburg <> Subject: [F] Third Annual VideoMeet Report (NL) Date: 15 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: Last Saturday morning, I woke up with fragments of a dream still vivid before me. In my dream, I was standing with Arwen in a well-lit hall in an English hotel, discussing how the room allocations had been screwed up while the hall slowly filled up with afpers. All of a sudden, Leo's hand holding a birthday cake appeared and he quickly moshed it into my face. It doesn't take a shrink with a penis fixation to work out that embarrassment of the innocent was the theme of the night's images. However, as my birthday had been almost a week ago, I figured I would be safe, thus proving that more years does not necessarily mean more wisdom. But I'm sure most of the meet attendees could have told me that. Later on that same Saturday, the following people gathered in the North End Pub in Leiden for the Third Annual VideoMeet: Arwen Lune', Eelco Giele, Jeroen Metselaar, Jos Dingjan, Leo Breebaart, Michel Lanting, Patrick Dersjant, Rolf Milde and Uwe Milde. We were quickly driven out of the pub by the lack of seating and the eye-watering stink of New Year's Resolutions going up in chain-smoke. Fortunately, the cafe where we were to have our dinner was able to take us in early. The ideal placing of one's nymphs while defending a thesis was energetically debated and's aliveness was discussed in Monty Python quotes. The Pun Fund continued to do good business during the meet. Patrick and I meaningfully waved our fingers at each other to insure healthy levels of paranoia while the others talked about the flu epidemic and imitated mobile phones. Significant parcels were placed one by one on the table and when enough significant looks had been exchanged, an international birthday conspiracy was revealed. Eelco had me wear an engineer's idea of a tutu at Karen/hypatia's instigation and to complete this ravishing pink outfit, Arwen gave me a plastic Viking helmet. After my obligatory pirouette, Leo handed over a Backstreet Boys magazine which he had apparently memorised. Thank you all and I know when your birthdays are, with the exception of Rolf and Uwe's. For reasons having to do with my advancing age and not at all with the cute little Tux they bought me, I will forget the date. During the evening, the waiting staff of Cafe Bacchus proved patient in the face of loudness, even while our table was establishing the reasons why restaurants shouldn't provide their customers with overly large menus. *thwack* *rebound* *ouch* At around eight, we went to Patrick's flat and settled down quickly to watch Wyrd Sisters, interrupted only by Michel turning into a packet of Wokkels. Disney and Dreamworks won't be losing any sleep over the quality of the animation. The dissolve used to denote a scene change was particularly annoying and when the same dissolve was used for the spell, the effect had very little impact. On the other hand, I was very pleased with the firm drawing of Granny Weatherwax. The cartoon managed to stick closely to the original story and gave a good number of laughs. Not an easy thing to do when you consider that all of us knew most of the jokes. Close to midnight, some people went onto #afp and immediately goshwowed at the /topic bearing the happy news of Colm Buckley's engagement. Patrick, being an excellent host, set up five machines for IRC. A few people who tired of IRC applied themselves to a video game involving much grunting and arghing. The next morning after breakfast, we went for a healthy walk and skip in a nearby park, in search of a suitable place to juggle in. Eelco terrorised birds and low-flying aircraft with his juggling technique. Arwen and Patrick practised being each other's arms while Rolf, Uwe and Jeroen maintained a safe distance. Patrick was going to throw his sister's present from Australia but was afraid that his boomerang wouldn't come back. Some of us secretly hoped that it would come back bearing bits of Small Annoying Dog which was infesting the park. Once back at the flat, bookshelves were raided and things quieted down until Patrick produced the Discworld Quizbook. The quizmaster awarded points to various people and, by general acclaim, awarded Jeroen A Life for answering too many questions correctly. QUOTES "I think I'm the only person I've talked to so far." - Leo "Very important, keep your penguins toes clean." - Jos. Arwen kindly took the heat off me by noting down the rest of them, see her article, [F] VideoMeet quotefile (or: "getting my side of the story in first"). Uwe and Rolf's meet photos - -- Kimberley Verburg To join the Benelux-Meets mailing list, send an e-mail with "subscribe" in the subject line to Once subscribed, send submissions to
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