From: Eelco Giele <> Subject: [ANNOUNCE][F] Eindhoven meet 8.0 already (I think), March 18th Date: 7 Mar 2000 19:05:22 -0000 Message-ID: <> Newsgroups:,,alt.books.pratchett -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hi all, The usual, March 18th. Greetings, Eelco Oh, ok then, I'll give some more information. What, where and when: As usual the Trafelgar will be the target of our visit, and saturday March the 18th is the date. The meet will start around 17:00-ish, people coming by car are welcome to park it at my place first. (But do let me know that you are coming) I realise I am a bit late with this but real life has been intervening and since it is one of the latests dates available without having to wait an entire month again (hey, I'm organising, I want to be there) this weekend has been choosen. In the case that there will be people visiting who have never been there before, I have some maps online: For people craving for that sleep thing there is crash space available. My phone number is on a need to know basis. IOW. email me for that, I am not going to publish it on usenet. There is also this thingy called benelux mailing list which contains that kind of information. Please let me kow if you are coming and if you need crash space. Greetings, Eelco -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3i Charset: noconv iQBVAwUBOMVS7FEnYeztdy65AQHdfgH/apHE5G17hI9qsBYbUAIcuplYS8FD8tv8 rv4Upm+6wfdRe3KT9vSAjmMpEbc8XhLPyUpTtPbjtVLsTUqMML74bw== =gr5Y -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Submissions for to: All submissions are PGP signed. PLEASE READ before submitting articles to afp.announce. Thanks!
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