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Toulose AFPcoven: Report

From: the_peanut_gallery <>
Subject: [F] Toulouse afpcoven: Berndmeet report
Date: 12 Aug 2001 19:33:08
Message-ID: <>

No, it wasn't [ANNOUNCE]d, because quite frankly we're an antisocial
lot. And anyway, it was the Last Meet of the Toulouse Afpcoven, since
Bernd Reh is leaving us to go back to Germany.

However, we thought you might like to have a Report.

<FX: Bang>

Festivities began on Friday evening, with the Consumption of Chocolate.
There was a chocolate cat. Yannick ate the cat. There was real
Montelimar nougat thickly covered with delicious plain chocolate, but
it /didn't count/ because I only had a quarter piece.

Bernd had to go and sell his furniture, so Yannick and I proceeded to
the cinema to watch 'Tomb Raider'. It is not a good film. It is a good
bad film, starring a 44D bra stuffed with cotton wool. I was pleased to
note that they had conscientiously included all the clich=E9s of the
genre. A pleasant hour and a half of suspension, not so much of
disbelief as of cerebration, ensued.

Bernd turned up just as the film ended, so we all adjourned to the
nearby Quebecois restaurant. Chicken with maple syrup, smoked bison
meat, some quite amazing beer, all good stuff.

Then back to my place for tea and 'Galaxy Quest'. We adjourned at 01:30.

Next day, gathering at 11 am, while complaining of lack of sleep. Drive
to quaintly picturesque mediaeval village of Saint Antonin Noble Val to
admire view and crumbling architecture. Picnic on way, where I
successfully remove the skin on the first knuckle of the middle finger
of my right hand: an excellent excuse to get the others to do the
messier work. Great success of beef satay: must do more for the AFPmeet
of 25/26th August.

Sightseeing. We reluctantly drag Yannick away from the library. By early
evening, lack of sleep is telling; we don't say much and I fall asleep
in the car on the way back.

Back in Toulouse: more tea, and 'Life of Brian'. Awkward goodbyes. Bernd
is sent back to Germany clutching his "Bavarian Invader" diploma. Look
after him, you lot: he's a really nice guy.

-- =

Rose Humphrey

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