Welcome to the Manchester 2.0 blackmail picture file.
This was the second afp meet to be held in the glorious city of Manchester
Here is the discussion that followed the event...
And now for the pictures
All pictures on this page are 196x128x8 gif's. Click on the gif to download a 768x512 (or 512x768) colour Jpeg.
If you wish to have high-res copies of any of these feel free to contact me. The originals are 2048x3072x24bit.
Enjoy - Robert Collier <rob@lspace.org>
Dave Le Good and JJ deep in discussion whilst someone I've forgotten the name of (Steve?) looks on and Björn contemplates the floor?
Mark "say cheese" Lowes in action
JJ and "the man with no name" (Steve?) discuss the thorny issue of who's buying the next round...
Lee "MancheXter" Staniforth and Björn (?) amuse Mark L.
And then the hedgehog song was perpetrated...
The mythical "pot of money" from which our good humour (of the alcohol induced form) flowed.
Darrell and Mark L. lie in wait for the next prey in their photo safari.
Mark L. yet again attempts to take center-stage despite Tap's (Andy Fawcett) valiant attempts to distract him.
"And photos of people taking photos were taken..."
Mike K. looks off camera whilst Björn toasts YHN, Mark L. shows why he always has multiple smilies in his postings (He's a perpetual griner) whilst Tap is deep in discussion with Angela.
The one and only Martin O'Nions looking cool calm and collected as he discusses the sale of NHS hospitals to Tesco.
Mike and Björn look on in horror as they realise that all the nasty chocolate covered things have vanished!
Darrell continues in his efforts to convert the world to his own bitter and twisted point of view.
Mark L. and Angela are spammed by Tap.
JJ, Monica and Martin in the background later that same evening...
We'll have a table for 15 please.
Much later, our very own afpa-mod trying to get some sleep on Mark L's floor.
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