From: Martin O'Nions <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: [FAN] Manchester 2.0 Report (*F*) Date: Sun, 25 Feb 96 20:06:29 GMT Organization: Uncertain Lines: 47 Message-ID: <> References: <> Reply-To: A couple of brief notes on what, In article <> "Darrell Ottery" wrote: > Things started badly, and got worse. It tailed off a bit towards the > end. > 8:50pm. Or about 5 hours before people actually went home. > This was probably due to someone (who should probably have known > better) providing both words and music to both the Hedgehog song, and 'A > Wizard's Staff'. > We wrapped up in the pub around closing time and moved about 30 yards up > the road to a 'dodgy' Greek resteraunt to continue. Quite why, nobody > here can recall, but there was no doubt a good reason at the time. I > believe we quite suprised the staff by wandering in and asking for a > table for 20, despite the fact there were only 15 of us. So much so, in > fact, that afp had its natural effect on the other diners and shortly we > had the place pretty much to ourselves... > What fooled them even more was the fact that having laid a table for fifteen (after a head count), they found us occupying seventeen seats. And the first person to suggest that I required three of them will be serverely LARTed. > Conversation at the civilised end of the table revolved scarily about > asr matters. The 'Towers of Hanoi' in reduced Martin to > tears. > loses something in the translation... > And the now-obligatory out-of context quote file: > > "I can't pronounce that!" "Chicken kebab." - Martin and waitress. > Actually, it was "I'm not even going to try to pronounce that". And there were extenuating circumstances. -- Martin O'Nions [ENTP] Used your LART yet today? ______________________________________________________________________________ Father heard his children scream / So he threw them in the stream Saying, as he drowned the third / "Children should be seen, *not* heard!" (Harry Graham - Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes
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