The L-Space Web: Fandom

Hemel 1.0: Report

From: Ian Walden <>
Subject: AFP Hemel Meet Pt 1.0
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 1995 19:09:49 GMT
Message-ID: <>

The Place:  Watersmeet Road, 50 yards from the infamous magic roundabout
            Hemel Hempstead

The Time:   08:55

Present:    A certain net.goddess
            The bearded one, aka Ian
            Unknown Blonde woman

Subjects Discussed:  The unsuitability of waving at other AFP members

Sorry, Colette, but thanks for a wonderful start to the day.

There I was, stuck in the usual queue of traffic piling into one lane 
to get round the magic roundabout, when a cavalier drew alingside me on 
the inside lane, wherein a certain net.goddess was observed frantically 
waving and smiling, as I turned and waved back, the vehicle of said 
net.goddess made contact with the vehicle in front.  Both parties 
withdrew into the bus-stop, got out, had brief discussion, inspected 
bumpers, got back in cars and drove off.  Meanwhile, Ian, observing 
this in rear-view mirror, nearly managed to do the same through 
laughing too much.

Meeting was later continued over a lunch-time pint and in the company 
of several wasps.  Subjects discussed included several cons (Broom, 
World, Clarecraft and Disc), the stupidity of wasps, the stupidity of 
marketing directors, the possible formation of The DiscWorld Primes 
(strictly limited to those convention members with a prime membership 
number), intermittent car faults and their potential resolution, the 
difficulties faced by the chief worshipper and a variety of visiting 
Merkins.  It was also commented upon that despite the apparent 
imbalance of the genders in AFP, of the 6 I have thus far met, 3 have 
been of the female persuasion.

Thanks again to the net.goddess for brightening up what would have been 
a very dull Monday.

| Brought to you by the bizarre imagination of Ian  |
| at document II productions - +44 1252 875327      |
|                                                   |
|     "There can be no dialogue with fungus"        |
Disclaimer: document II productions have no opinions
            without my say so.

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