Newsgroups: From: (Emmet O'Brien) Subject: *F*[F]#F# and so on - report from Oxford meet Friday Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 3 Mar 1996 15:56:05 GMT It was my good fortune, on last Friday, the second of March in the one thousand nine hundred and ninety sixth year of the Marine Pedestrian, just as I was finishing up at work for the day, to be contacted by Andrew Mobbs, offering a lift to, and indeed from, said meet. Never being one to look a gift horse in the mouth, for fear it be full of angry Greeks with swords if nothing else, I took him up on said offer. Yhn, Dr^H McGregor and the aforementioned Master Mobbs made our way to Oxford, with several exciting detours as the navigational duties unfortunately devolved to yhn, with more than an hour to go before the pubs closed. En route, the two received their first exposure to the Leningrad Cowboys. The reaction was generally favourable. Also, we experienced a magic roundabout, which did not do the driver's nerves any good. I cannot now recall which of the towns we passed through seemed to have a policy of putting zebra crossings directly adjacent to roundabouts, but speculation was raised as to whether this was an intentional population control measure. Arrival in Oxford occurred eventually, and after much driving back and forth the afpropriate pub was found. _Then_ we realised that there was after all a street map of Oxford in the back of the atlas. In this pub, The Eagle and Child, notable for having floors canted in a manner giving the impression that one had been drinking significantly more than one in fact had, we found awaiting us Ben Hutchings, Thomas Down, the Damerell, and the LNR, who promptly parked herself on yhn's lap and said hello. Some alcohol was consumed, and discussion commenced. Elder Sign being the principal topic. Shortly thereafter, we departed, examined the mechanics of walking in line abreast, made an abortive attempt to sing "We're off to See the Wizard" and discovered none of us knew the lyrics, and ended up at a pizza place, where we had pizza. LNR took the head of the table and placed the Damerell on her right hand and yhn on her left, [ ObGroucho: "How ya gonna eat ? Through a tube ?" ] with an alleged weirdness gradient down the table to the young Oxfnordians. Much petty bickering between the representatives of the two towns was dispersed during the night[ as was the B5 thread ], from which yhn maintained a stately and dignified aloofness. Apart from a long game of Mornington Crescent, struggled to the bitter end, conversation over dinner tended toward the geeky. As the only non-compsci present, yhn made efforts to change the topic, but retirement to cultivate his garden [ metaphorically speaking ] proved the only respite. Following the meal, a retreat was beaten to the lodgings of Ms Blair, whose hospitality cannot be faulted. Discussion resumed, centring occasionally on various authors, the mechanics of punting, and various other social events attended by the Cantabrigians, but mostly on compsci stuff. Yhn told several really old jokes, which seemed new to our lady host but don't bear repetition. And was disconcerted to find he was the eldest of those there present. Eventually, the young quiet Oxfnordians and the party with which yhn travelled took their leave. The return to the Cambridge area was facilitated by taking the M25. As three afpers were still deemd a quorate meet, and it was past 4 am, it was deemed afpropriate to spend the remainder of the night watching videos - the Sisters of Mercy, _Hardware_, and _The Crow_. Taking a break at 0710 or so to watch _Ulysses 31_ on Channel 4. For all the cultural significance of this cartoon, we had all forgotten how astoundingly crap it could be at times. A desultory breakfast of sausages marked the long-delayed arrival of a bread thread, and discussion of whether a true afper should be prepared to stay up all night in order to get to a baker early. Quotes that stuck in yhn's moldering brain: "Who'll do _Lucretia_ ?" - " It depends how drunk she is." - The Damerell seeking percussion vocalists, yhn as ever confused. "I have some red ones and lots of black ones." - Dr^Huncan, context unknown. "Emmet, the reason you like the double helix is because it reminds you of a screw." - Ibid, psychoanalysing yhn's choice of a career in molecular biology. "My, it's hot in here." - LNR on getting back to her room, while taking off her coat. Only yhn found this hysterical. "Anyone have any preferences ?" - Ibid, endeavouring to carry out a survey. Nothing new was learned. "Don't eat my hat." - Ibid, to yhn, who was only nibbling, honest.. "Getting it up again is the difficult part." - The Damerell on one-handed punting. With appropriate gestures. "Wow ! Nice bridge !" - Andrew Mobbs, c. 3 am, driving along a foggy stretch of motorway. As ever, errors and omissions excepted. Emmet -- The orc fires a warning shot through your chest.
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