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Oxford 1.0: Announce

From: Kat Knight <>
Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 1996 13:39:53 GMT

Hi again :)
*grin*, I've been told that _I_ must make the decision of where to meet.
I've also been advised that 7:30 _is_ a good time to meet. Sod a lot of
the stuff I said before. So, OK, this is the _first_ lot of final
decisions ;)

The meet will take place at 7:30 pm on 3rd August at the Wheatsheaf in
Oxford (I apologise to all those who voted for the Turf Taven, but we
could always go there later on). Could those who actually live in Oxford
try to get there a bit earlier please, so as to bag a table? 

Those who don't know Oxford well, and/or who are coming by train, I'll
be at Oxford Station from 7:10 pm to meet you and escort you to the
Wheatsheaf. I imagine that this'll be easier for you than trying to
follow directions about a place you don't know. I shall be outside John
Menzies with my boyfriend, who will be wearing an absolutely foul,
hideously bright Orange T-shirt. It'll be easy to recognise, trust me.
Oxford Station isn't that large, and no-one else would have the courage
to wear a T-shirt like that in public. If you get close enough and are
brave enough to look at it without sunglasses, you can make out a
picture of a sheep on it (*sigh*). Can anyone who wants escorting let me
know in advance, so that we don't miss anyone out.

Directions to Wheatsheaf: (you need to know Oxford relatively well to
understand this) Starting from the crossroads at the Carfax, go down
High Street on the right hand side. There are two little alley-ways
coming off this side of High Street, and the Wheatsheaf is down the
second one (almost opposite the Mitre Beefeater Restaurant, I think). I
believe that there is a barrel sign hanging above the pavement at the
entrance to the alley-way. It's a very narrow alley-way!

I hope this makes everything clear to all. E-mail me if you have
problems about getting there etc. Otherwise, see you there!
Kat Knight
   q   P                                                         |\ /| 
    o O   "All dogs look up to you. All cats look down to you."   o.o    
   ( ^ )       So face it, cats are superior. It's a fact.      >( _ )<  

    Submissions for to:

From: Kat Knight <>
Subject: The Kat is back (more Oxford meet stuff)
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 1996 17:42:41 +0100
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,
Right, still feeling somewhat disorientated by a 23 hour journey, so
excuse any grammatical weirdness etc. I've just downloaded 1500
articles, you lot get up to a lot of writing in two weeks!
There's been somewhat more interest in the meet than I'd anticipated.
I've seen a few suggestions for places/ times etc, but nothing definite,
so here's my thoughts on the matter:
Several people are coming to Oxford by train who don't know the area at
all. Would it be easiest for _everyone_ to meet at the train station, as
it's not too far from the city center and is signposted pretty well for
those coming by car? As I don't know half the pubs that have been
suggested for meeting in (I don't actually live in Oxford btw) the
station seems like a nice safe, reasonably easy place for everyone to
get to.
As for times, I think that some time in the evening was suggested.
Having seen pubs in Oxford on a Saturday evening, I can say that they
are _very_ full at this time. There's also another thing I suppose I'd
better point out. Being (*sigh*, unfortunately) only 16, I probably
won't be allowed into half the pubs in Oxford after about 7 pm. I know
this is a bugger for _everyone_ else, as you're all of a decent age (ie,
over 18) but would it be possible to meet some other time?
That'll do for now, I really have to collapse and sleep soon. Everybody
who's 'mailed me about this, I shall get back to you all as soon as I'm
awake enough. Those who have asked me for directions about where we're
going, I'll wait until _I_ know before I let you know (ie, watch this
space). Oh, if people are interested then I can post a list of those
planning/ thinking about coming to this meet (about a dozen so far, I
Kat Knight
   q   P                                                         |\ /| 
    o O   "All dogs look up to you. All cats look down to you."   o.o    
   ( ^ )       So face it, cats are superior. It's a fact.      >( _ )<  

From: Kat Knight <>
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] *F* Kat can't go to Oxford meet :-(
Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 16:29:21 GMT

OK, so I've just rung up the Wheatsheaf and found out that they don't
let under-18s in on a Saturday night :-( All my persuasive techniques
came to no avail. I don't want to spoil the meet for the rest of you, so
I shall still go to the station to show those who need it where the pub
is. Unless anyone can come up with somewhere else to meet, I guess I
won't be meeting you all on Saturday.
Kat Knight
   q   P                                                         |\ /| 
    o O   "All dogs look up to you. All cats look down to you."   o.o    
   ( ^ )       So face it, cats are superior. It's a fact.      >( _ )<  

    Submissions for to:

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