From: Lee Staniforth <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Manchester X-Philes Meet - a Report Date: Sun, 11 Aug 1996 16:56:31 +0100 Message-ID: <> (Cross-posted to umtsx-f and afp) Well, I think I've recovered enough after drinking all that Scumble (aka Adlestones Cider) to relate the events last night at Scruffy Murphy's. Roy (Volunteers' Co-ord) and I arrived at the appointed time (7.30) with some trepidation; as is the case when meeting new people for the first time. We selected an area in the corner that would be ideal to cater for any large expansion. I wasn't sure exactly how many would turn up, but estimated around 10. I introduced him to the delights of the cask-brewed Adlestones Cider, and he proclaimed it good! After half an hour or so, I began to get a little worried at the lack of other people. We'd noticed a large group (about 10) on the other side of the room that looked geeky enough to be Internet users. We strained to hear any mention of 'Mulder', 'Scully' or that other famous bloke associated with the show: 'Lee Staniforth', but naught was heard. Neither of us were confident enough (ie drunk enough) to actually go over and ask if they were X-Philes, so we came up with an ingeneous strategy of capturing the attention of any likely candidates, through the use of a 'Trust No 1' sign. Before actually putting this into play, a woman approached me and asked the dreaded question: "Are you Lee Staniforth ?". Being the naturally paranoid type, I checked to see if I could spot any weapons. There were none, so I answred in the positive. She turned out to be the mother of Bryony (I hope I pronounced it right this time!) Jackson, who posts under her father's account. Obviously my reputation had gotten around, as Bryony had brought her own chaperone (8^) Introductions were made, and drinks were drunk; Bryony being only sweet sixteen had Coke. The stategum described above was brought into play, which caused some of the large group opposite to look, but none approached. I haven't mentioned that only one of us actually wore an X-Files t-shirt, which he later removed to reveal an ID4 t-shirt underneath. The X-F t-shirt was then put on an empty chair bacwards in the hope of attracting any other attention. He shall remain anoymous at this time, to protect the innocent. I chose to wear my Discworld Con '96 t-shirt. It was about this time that Lee (great name!) Malius arrived. I once more demonstrated my total lack of ability at pronouncing people's names correctly! I have met Lee before, at the Videothon 2. The conversation inevitably turned to merchandise, and Bryony achieved an extra sadness point (8^) by showing her glowing keyring... It was decided for Bryony and I to make a quick foray to the other side of the pub in the off chance that an X-Phile or two might be lurking. On the way back, we spotted a Man In A Trenchcoat; obvious X-F fan. It turned out to be Ben Fell, The Man At The BBC, who'd managed to find the pub despite my crude ASCII map... (8^) I've not mentioned that as each new person arrived, I handed them a couple of sheets containing info on MancheXter and an app form from the rather large stack in my bag; well, I wasn't there for the pleasure of the thing... (8^) It is with some regret that not one membership was sold...(8^( It is about this time that things began to go hazy: Addlestones is strong stuff... Basically, the next group of people to arrive was Tony (he of the Big Sig), his girlfriend, Helen Ferocious (I mean Warr), and his mate, Roberto (aka Bobo, but this always sounds rude to me (8^) ). I'll just take this opportunity to embarrass Bobo by mentioning The X- Files Film. It's an in-joke, so don't worry if you don't get it: ask Tony (8^) Despite my attempts, the conversation veered onto the topic of Babylon 5. I don't watch the show, so will make no further references.(8^) Other topics included: Independance Day, Jose Chung's: From Outer Space (despite protestations from Bryony, Ben and Lee), Guests at the Con, merchandise and some other stuff that I wasn't coherent enough to remember! During one of the points where B5 *wasn't* being discussed, my saviour turned up: Mark Lowes, along with his chauffe^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hbetter half, Angela Hardington. Who also was into B5! Aargh! The topic of talk now moved onto more traditional afp ground: Psion 3As, DiscWorld Con, taking the piss out of the Chairman, and Psion 3As. Photos were taken by myself, and appropriate blackmail fees will be issued to the relevant parties shortly. Mwhahahaha! We broke up and went our separate ways some time after last orders were called, and the Big Boys sent around telling people to leave. I do not remember leaving and getting home, and I will *not* drink Addlestones ever again. Maybe. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting Bryony and Lee for the first time, and I hope to have another X-Philes meet in the future. I promise not to bother people with app forms then. Maybe. -- Lee Staniforth, Chairman MancheXter '97 - The Unofficial UK X-Files Convention +======================= 5 - 6 JULY 1997 ===========================+ [ WWW: ] [Listserver: send 'help' in body of email:] +===================================================================+ From: Lee Staniforth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Manchester X-Philes Meet: Photos Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 00:05:34 +0100 Message-ID: <> Just popping over quickly to mention that the photos from the X-Philes meettened by the stunning Angela H, and the worrying Mark L) have finally made it onto the MancheXter WebSite. Take a peek at: A future meet is planned for Bolton, possibly on the 19th. I'd suggest emailing Tony Spalding <> for details if interested. Bye! -- Lee Staniforth, Chairman MancheXter '97 - The UK X-Files Convention +======================== 5 - 6 JULY 1997 ============================+ [ WWW: ] [ E-Mail: ] [Listserver: send 'help' in body of email:] +=====================================================================+
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