From: Mike Smith <> Newsgroups: Subject: *F* afp & afpdip Scotch Broth Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 10:32:11 +0000 Message-ID: <> Happy New Year everyone By rights this should have had a *N* after the subject but as I cant find the damn Newbie form I didn't bother! - I've been afpdipping for several months so I'm not sure I still qualify anyway. Enough of that, to the reason for this post:- Mike Smith & Alexander Kamilewic are meeting for New Year's Day Lunch in Edinburgh. All afpdipp ers and afp ers are most welcome. We aim to meet at 1.30pm on New Year's Day afternoon outside the Acanthus Cafe Bar (Between the road entrance & exit to Waverly Station) If you plan to come, email me so we don't head off in search of comestibles without you! See ya Mike -- Maturity is too high a price to pay for growing up.
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