From: Darren <> Newsgroups:,,alt.books.pratchett Subject: [ANNOUNCE] [F] AFPmeet Norwich/Guards!Guards! Date: 18 Feb 1998 16:05:14 -0000 Message-ID: <> [aren't the meets coming thick and fast? --m.] -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- I am proposing a meet in Norwich on 11th April... This will only go ahead if there is sufficient interest. I think half a dozen plus will be sufficient to go with. I would like to have at least six definites by 1st March so I can continue with the rest of the organising. Guards!Guards! is going to be showing in the Theatre Royal Norwich on this day, I propose a meet to first see the play at the theatre and then a few drinks afterwards elsewhere. There are two showings of the play on this date, at 2:30 pm (finishing at about 5:00pm) and 7:30 pm (finishing at about 10:00pm). Which performance we see depends upon how much time is wanted for carousing etc. afterwards, and when people can get to the city. I will go with the majority, so please include which time you prefer. For those of you who are willing to trust me with your money I will buy tickets in a block or those who don't want to trust me with their money can purchase their own tickets... [1] They are 3 for the cheapest and 7 for the next rank up...[2] I am hoping to buy the tickets for anyone who wants me too on Monday 16th March... once the meet is confirmed I will send my address to anyone who wants me to get the tickets. I have limited crash space at my place [3], if people are willing to split a cab fare or someone staying drives.[4] If someone who knows Norwich better than me wants to recommend a pub to go to I am very willing to listen... Anyone who wants any more info, let me know. TTFN Darren [1] The booking number is 01603 630000 [4] [2] I will try to get the cheaper tickets (if there are still enough left), unless everyone wants to pay the extra. [3] I might be persuaded to drive... (but thats a BIG might) [4] Please don't assume the meet is happening until I post to say so... - -- Life is a sexually transmitted disease. anonymous. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3ia Charset: noconv iQBVAwUBNOsGfswDYDS4V4OpAQFyiwIAq8Gnu7B/j0wIM/NyQzFy65WEIqeISIzz DSwJCSs8E8wNk04G8fG/GDK+FT/Ck/5+nSJjLqqYveWQrw1b4SZfHQ== =WAHF -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Submissions for to: All submissions are PGP signed. For Mike's key, finger PLEASE READ before submitting articles to afp.announce. Thanks! From: Darren <> Newsgroups:,,alt.books.pratchett Subject: [ANNOUNCE] [F] Norwich meet (guards!guards!) Date: 26 Feb 1998 17:15:28 -0000 Message-ID: <> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Ok folks... I have decided that the meet will go ahead... and have also decided upon some details from news so far... We will be going to see the matinee of the show (2:30 till 5 sih) so anyone who wants to just join in the drinking afterwards is quite welcome (more details to follow) I think we are going to have to go for the ukp7 tickets as the lower price tickets are far to rare... Anyone else who wishes to join us please let me know ASAP... I would like to get the tickets as soon as I can... I don't know if they are likley to sell out... I hope not [1] The latest I will be buying tickets will be the 16th of March... and it may have to be sooner if when I contact the theatre again they are getting low on tickets... So if you want to come I need to know and have either a phone number or a mail address (which will be checked the next day) by wednesday 11th march or thurs the 12th so I can get my address out to you... mail me if you want to know anything or want to join us... thanks Darren [1] Or i am likley to be mobed - -- Life is a sexually transmitted disease. anonymous. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3ia Charset: noconv iQBVAwUBNPWiW8wDYDS4V4OpAQETTgIArWl5MNt/CYvqwWh2mfkUntoziVq3OqFT gQLMWA54bWNNS5DvYKR351z/H9yIysuOWdj6KIaVQnug10kPhsiVFQ== =+LwB -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Submissions for to: All submissions are PGP signed. For Mike's key, finger PLEASE READ before submitting articles to afp.announce. Thanks! From: Darren <> Newsgroups:,,alt.books.pratchett Subject: [ANNOUNCE][F] AFPmeet Norwich, Guards!Guards! Date: 3 Mar 1998 17:09:28 -0000 Message-ID: <> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Firstly, as I forgot to shout about it in the previous post) MY E-MAIL ADDRESS HAS CHANGED was that load enough?? to: Slight change of plans from the previous post [1] The showing is still the matinee... starts at 2:30... The ticket price is still UK7 But I have booked 25 tickets in my own name (not paid for) Between 5 and 10 of these tickets are taken... Anyone who wants one of them... the deadline for me to pay is the 26th of March, so that gives us a little more time... And stops me worrying about them selling out. The tickets are in the circle, (balcony) three quaters of the way back.. but are in the centre of the theatre... So if you would contact me in time for me to send you my address and for your cheque to arrive by snailmail (probably by Sunday 22nd of March to be sure, but earlier is better) I will keep everyone notified of how things are going... Thanks for listening Darren - -- Life is a sexually transmitted disease. anonymous. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3ia Charset: noconv iQBVAwUBNPw5FMwDYDS4V4OpAQGVLAH7B3ibUr6745CO76jx5RATjY8243TaW3A9 tL3GyzUygpTGPJ0s9iYTGfC/yjE6CIvN/kU3k0yqBqTWQeeWYjxYFw== =4nR5 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Submissions for to: All submissions are PGP signed. For Mike's key, finger PLEASE READ before submitting articles to afp.announce. Thanks! From: Darren <> Newsgroups:,,alt.books.pratchett Subject: [ANNOUNCE] [F] AFP Meet, Norwich "Guards! Guards!" Date: 18 Mar 1998 19:53:22 -0000 Message-ID: <> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hello everyone Ok, the meeting and theatre trip in Norwich are going ahead on Saturday 11th April, and I still have some tickets for the show. I need to know that you are definitly coming and have received your payment for the ticket of uk7, by Wednesday 25th of March at the very latest. Now some details: The show starts at half two, and finishes about five. We are heading for food after the show and then a pub. I have some crash space at mine if it is needed. If you do not wish to come to the show but just to the meet then you are very welcome, but please still let me know. I will be posting more exact details about locations at a later date. Please E-Mail me on for my snail-mail address if you wish to come. yours ubiquitously Darren - -- Life is a sexually transmitted disease. anonymous. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3ia Charset: noconv iQBVAwUBNRAmBswDYDS4V4OpAQEaXwIAtOzu1jY2zQr5Xr+qeMdNKmu8xqJrIE2x +rjDlHzWEdPvozA0hgRfqGY/B5vzY51VJ2ASsZMNXIt4KOmqq1WVJQ== =h0Ph -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Submissions for to: All submissions are PGP signed. For Mike's key, finger PLEASE READ before submitting articles to afp.announce. Thanks!
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