Newsgroups: From: Michael Grant <> Subject: [F] Edinburgh 2.0 meet report[3] Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95.980727115225.6146H-100000@azdak> Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 10:53:50 GMT On Sunday 27th July, in the year of Somebody Else's Lord 1998[1], an afpmeet took place in and around the fair city of Edinburgh. Attending were Adrian Hurt, Grymma, Hannes Reinecke and your humble^H^H^H^H^H lethargic narrator. Oh, and a hedgehog provided by Grymma. Despite the rain, we decided to go ahead with the prior arrangements and commence with a ferry trip to the island of Inchcolm in the Firth of Forth, where there was a semiruinous twelfth-century abbey, and WW2 gun emplacements, to boot -- which point was aptly demonstrated by Adrian, who booted them. Since it is a tradition at afpmeets to consume chocolate-coated products, and a tradition at my parties to consume popcorn[5]; we combined the two at this meet (credit to Grymma) with chocolate- coated popcorn biscuits, provided by yh^Hln. Rather nice, actually. ;^) Even nicer were Grymma's chocolate-coated strawberries. The same sadly cannot be said for Adrian's chocolate-coated cheese, not least because I don't like cheese, and because Grymma is allergic to the stuff. Curiously, by the end of the meet even Hannes was politely turning the stuff down. ;^b I'll just take this opportunity to point Adrian in the direction of <atmd19980712191947$> before he considers such actions again... At the abbey we discovered a party already there, having a barbecue. We discussed whether it is a purely British phenomenon[2] to have barbecues in the rain; the question was solved by Adrian (?) who pointed out that since this was an abbey, the barbecuers were evidently the friars. <ducks> A plunge down a steep, slippery spiral staircases, a sighting of a seal (which I missed :-( ), a discussion of double-roundabouts (upon attempting to navigate such) and on whether the Forth Bridge was intentionally painted the colour of rust later; the second part of the meet was convened at the Hogshead public house. Memorable quotes (these being few in number, since nobody had a Psion) included Hannes' "I don't define rain", and Grymma's "I'm running out of knees!". Since Adrian possessed a digital camera[4], we can expect photographs of the meet to be appearing in the very near future. I'll stick a link in from my webpage. All in all, the meet was considered a success, and a followup tentatively arranged for Sunday 23rd of August, in a field somewhere to the west of Glasgow, AIUI. ttfn, Mchl Grnt[0] [1] Or for secularists, the year 2751 since the Foundation of the City. [2] Oh Eeemmmeeettttt... [3] Since Sara's one last summer was subquorate, we can call it 1.1? [4] Though according to some of his actions, it might be more accurate to say that the digital camera possessed Adrian. [5] Commencing with the popping of the corn. Since Edinburgh 1.0, when the popcorn pot tried to swallow me whole, I've figured out how to do it and get it to work. Far less fun, though. -------------------< >---------------------- [0]Send me your URLs for the afpers' homepages directory| Risus Sardonicus :-] Is it a potato? Is it a cabbage? No, it's LETHARGIC MAN!| (Michael S. Grant) Keep grandmothers off the streets - legalise bingo! | -------< New to afp? Please mail '' for an infopack >--------
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