From: Colm Buckley <> Newsgroups: Subject: Dublin 6.0 Meet Report Date: 4 Aug 1998 17:40:43 +0100 Message-ID: <6q7dib$qer$> Okay, this is an attempt at a report of the Events in the city of Dublin, on or about the First of August, 1998. Thanks to Bryan for the guest list and quote file... >From my point of view, the first thing to happen was a phone call from mpk on Friday afternoon saying something along the lines of "Right, I'm in Dublin" and, reliable as ever, he turned up at Claire's and my flat a couple of minutes later. After he was revived with a cup of strong coffee, and divested of his enormous rucksack, mpk and I wandered over to Busáras to meet Adrian, fresh off the bus from the airport. He was nowhere to be found, so we waited some more, wandered around a bit, and generally fretted. Eventually, it transpired that we had been waiting on opposite sides of the bus station, but eventually we sorted it out and headed off home... Nothing terribly exciting happened on Friday night, except for the rather marvellous "Chinest Ghost Story II" on Channel 4 in the middle of the night; pyrotechnics, kung fu, love, hate, war, intruige and an impossibly complicated and implausible plot - wonderful stuff. On Saturday, we did the tourist thing, visiting the Guinness Brewery... where I recieved several more phone calls, first from Elfin, then from Gabe, trying to arrange transport from the airport for Esmi... as I've lived for most of my life in public-transport land, I couldn't really do anything about it, and passed on the requests to the newly-formed gestalt entity Bryan'n'Dónal, who I believe handled the problem with expediency and redundancy. Lunch in the Old Jameson Distillery was punctuated by a loud discussion of "The Simpsons", which we later discovered had been overheard by Xmorpheus, who was quietly correcting our misapprehensions to herself. It would appear that she was taking the distillery tour with RayfromtheStates at the same time as we were, which was a little spooky. Anyway, we (Claire and I, Adrian and mpk) turned up at the Porter House it about 8:30, to find the Madison Court Contingent (Bryan, Marina, Dónal, Denise, Esmi, Gideon and Kevin) waiting for us. Loud greetings were hallooed. Drink was purchased from the extremely obliging and efficient waitress, and the meet began in earnest... The Fine jar was set up (20p for gratuitous Monty Python references and bad puns in general), and Agreement Was Reached that the proceeds would go to our wonderful waitress... More people arrived. Ailbhe placed herself strategically in the middle of the group, thereby to guarantee maximum effect on the maximum number of smitten males as possible (<homer>Ailbhe... graaaaarrgh...</homer>). Her pal Kathy did a nice line in fishnet-bestockinged legs, but only to a select audience... Food started to appear in prodigious quantities at around this point. Bryan seemed to have ordered "food for 100" by mistake, but it was greatly appreciated anyway (thanks, Dickie...) Diane and Peter showed up after a decent interval; Peter bearing an old Soviet MX-10 missile disguised as a cigar. As is always the case, things started to get a bit loud from this point, and I kind of lost track of the comings and goings... Xmorpheus arrived, with BigMac and RayfromtheStates, laughed at mpk and me for not recognising them in the Distillery and correcting us on some Simpsons trivia, which mpk still hotly disputes... well, disputes anyway. Gareth and Dave stationed themselves right behind Ailbhe, rendering themselves effectively unable to talk to anyone else unless special effort was made (damn, it's *hard* to look *past* Ailbhe...) Eoin was the only person to turn up on his own; I hope we weren't too intimidating and that he had a good time - sorry I didn't get to talk to him enough; hopefully next time... Simon and Silja made a brief appearance - it was their first wedding anniversary, so they were only dropping in on their way from dinner on their way to Evening Entertainment of an Unspecified Nature. Not being one to let an occasion such as this go by unmarked, Bryan ordered a couple of bottles of champagne, and a toast was drank to their happiness. Very pleasant. The band wasn't the advertised and hoped-for "Too Fat To Be Famous" (who played at Dublin 5.0 and are quite marvellous), but they did a quite creditable set of covers. Enough to keep us nice and lively, anyway. Songs were sung-along with, SMS messages were sent, accusations of geekery were made, and confessed to, Nokia 9000s were condemned as being too big for a phone, and too crappy for a computer (Psion r00lz, d00d!), people were flirted with, and a good time was had by all... I'm fscked if I can remember what we talked about, it's all just a happy haze, but I'm pretty sure I drank quite a lot of whiskey (and some of Peter and Diane's foul Belgian Trappist Ale - yecchh. Oh yes, and some champagne. And some of Ailbhe's brandy by mistake. And who knows what else.) Things continued in a generally jolly vein until 1:00 or thereabouts... When people started pouring water down other people's trousers, and setting fire to their hair (semi-accidentally, honest!), we figured it was about time to break the party up, so people started to go their separate ways. A substantial group headed off to Madison Court, and I rely on Bryan, Dónal, Gideon, Esmi and Marina to inform the world as to the events in that august location. For our part, Claire and I returned to Temple Bar Square with mpk, Adrian, Ailbhe, Eoin and Gareth. There may even have been other people, but I was nicely pickled by that stage, and can't remember. We watched "The Simpsons". We drank some whiskey. Ailbhe fell asleep on my shoulder. We drank some more whiskey. By the time we considered going to sleep, Ailbhe had decided that Ranelagh was much to far away (about 2km) to walk, so she kipped on my floor, along with Adrian and Gareth. Only Eoin was brave enough to brave the night. mpk had by this stage claimed the sofa as His Own Turf, yelling "bastards, bastards, bastards, bastards!" at anyone who dared approach, so a quiet night's sleep was had by all. Sunday morning was Breakfast With Meat Loaf. At 9:30. After four hours' sleep. Ahem. Claire wasn't impressed, but at least people woke up quite willingly, and greeted the New Dawn with the traditional cries of "coffee... coffee... must have coffee..." and "where the hell are my socks". I suppose that was the end of the meet proper, but all sorts of interesting things continued to happen throughout the weekend, so I might as well continue in my post as Faithful Scribe for a little longer... So, the Saga continues: On Saturday, I had planned to bring mpk and Adrian on a little walk down in Wicklow. Ailbhe was still with us, so she came along as well. We met up with Katherine (who was the Dublin 5.0 meet), Gordon (not GtM - another Gordon) and Meg (not the Magpie - another Meg), and we all drove down to Glendalough. The weather started off not-at-all promising, but was quite pleasant by the time we got to our destination, having stopped to Purchase a Picnic. We took a nice leisurely walk up through the wooded hills of County Wicklow, trying to restrain Katherine and mpk from haring off into the distance at a Great Pace, and wondering why Gordon always seemed to prefer the steepest slopes... Flies. Yes. Lunch was consumed on the edge of a cliff with a spectacular view of the upper lake, clustering around Ailbhe because the smoke from her cigarettes kept the flies away... (that's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it...) Then we decided to come back down. By a different path. Which wasn't a path at all, but rather a steep, narrow incline, treacherously coated with slippery red clay, slippery damp rocks and slippery wet grass. Does anyone spot a pattern here? I think the final score for falling-on-one's arse was: Colm : 3 mpk : 2 Adrian : 3 Gordon : 1 Claire : 15 Katherine : 2 Ailbhe : 1 Meg : 0 Claire blames her shoes. Adrian carried Ailbhe piggyback for the last bit. Now, this was interesting, because you know how, when one is carrying a backpack while climbing on a warm day, one's back gets decidedly sweaty? Well, Ailbhe ended up in close proximity to said back for the best part of half an hour... We thought of ringing up some sleazy tabloid to enter her for the Weekly Wet T-Shirt competition, but in the end Common Decency prevailed. Adrian looked happy, though. Some more sight-seeing around Glendalough, and then we set off, intrepidly arranging to meet up in a pub. However, it was Not To Be, because one of the two cars got a bit lost, and ended up going west instead of north, so we eventually met up back in the Porter House, much later. Dinner in Eddie Rocket's (another Dublin meet tradition, much delayed - thanks to Adrian for that), then back to my place for yet more whiskey and "Mars Attacks". Oh *dear*. By the time "Mars Attacks" was over, it was *pouring* rain outside, and Ailbhe didn't have an umbrella. Gosh, well I guess she'll just have to sleep on our floor again, beside Adrian. mpk complains that he didn't get much sleep that night. Ah well. Monday morning was a less rushed affair - I took people to see Trinity College and the Book of Kells, mpk and I went off to my office to do some Real Work (the University of Nottingham now owes me for about six minutes' work...), and then the foreign visitors made their several ways to the airport. All in all, a good meet. We remained quorate for 41 hours, which wasn't bad as these things go, and I for one had a *marvellous* time. Thanks to everyone who came along and made it a success, and best of luck to everyone. Here's looking forward to Dublin 7.0! Colm Here's Bryan's quotefile again, for completeness: Sick and indecent roomkeepers? - Esmi Geek! - Marina Who's logging?!? - Colm 'Adrian, stop whining'? That's like saying 'Adrian, stop breathing' - Marina Geek! - Kevin No accepting buns from clients - Adrian Or lifts from strange men? - Donal Or sweets from Simon Rooney - Claire Behind you! - Colm (via SMS) Geek! - Bryan (via SMS) Oh my Lord, it's the Missing Link! - Claire (of Bryan) I could stuff it in your face like a cheap boxing promoter - Peter Speccy geek! - Mike Oh no! There's only one shift key! - Colm My god! A Geek tragedy! - Xmorpheus DNS Abuse Alert! - Colm *AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!* - Mike Well, you're just a pair of students - Xmorpheus (to Colm and Mike) We're fucking not! - Colm and Mike (in unison) I'll have a Shirley Bassey. That's a Black Bush with ice - Colm If you're looking for the American sexline, it's in speed-dial - Colm Geek! - Donal He's lighting his farts... - BigMac I'm a bit of a robot that way - Mike Ailbhe gets about 8/10 - Bryan Mike doesn't love me at all - Claire Sorry to interrupt - RayFromTheStates How do you *do* it? - Donal (to Mike) Of course i'll live forever. I'm too cool to kill - Bryan I have the hair for it, but not the hormones - Gareth Bad Dog! Put me down! - Marina If the blades come out, *you* can explain to the pathologist - Peter Adrian's refusing to play it were - Mike Adrian's a fecking eejit - Bryan Adrian needs guidance, apparently - Colm Geek! - Eoin -- Colm Buckley B.A. B.F. # Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland. | # +353 87 2469146 # whois cb3765 # finger Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture dealer.
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