From: Barry_R@Compuserve.commie (Barry R) Subject: [F] Norfolk 0.9b Meet Report (LONG) Date: Mon, 03 Aug 1998 19:32:48 GMT Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: Now the meet report. The first "meet" as such, took place on the Friday, when Barry R and PThomas met Gid'n'Suzi, and travelled up to Norfolk early in order to add to the Gid pub guide. During the journey many thing were discussed ranging from the stealing of Roadside signs for their scrap value and the Camra Beer festival, to the TV progs. Chocky, and Red Dwarf, with particular comment on how series 7 was "not too good". Arriving at Darren's at about 8:30ish, we were greeted by two affectionate doggies[2], and queries on how Pthomas & Barry R BOTH managed to fit in the back of a Capri? Darren then introduced us to his mum Wendy, and Mike, her significant other. At precisely about 9ish we adjourned to the Eel's foot inn, ostensibly to meet Loriba, but really in order to consume alcohol. Lottie arrived, and Suzi and Pthomas found an arkanoid game,[3] while Barry remarked on the fact that he couldn't see a guinness tap. Talk began to flow, and soon conversation turned to alcohol, (Gid regaled us with a funny drinking story about him and a friend), and the red dwarf outtakes, (Gid regaled us with a funny story about the time a stage manger friend managed to leave his headset mic switched on whilst an explosion was being set off right next to him), and this led to a discussion on the rather strange things apprentices are sent in practical jokery.[5] Eventually, when the pub called time, we returned to our cars, and set off for the house, except for Lottie who said she would rejoin us tomorrow. After arriving at Darren's, the computer was booted up, and various music pieces were played. [6] The group then decided to go onto #AFP [7] and much fun was had by all, including two people who managed to join in geeking over tranformers (robots in disguise). The group eventually made their way to their respective sleeping areas, and went to sleep.[8] Saturday. The day began rather cold. The majority of the afp'ers were up by 10:30 and breakfast was served. Breakfast consisted of Croissants, pancakes, orange juice, tea, and the music (sic) of Robson and Jerome. After breakfast Suzi adjourned to the supermarket accompanied by Pthomas and Barry, whilst Darren travelled to the train station to provide lifts for various AFP'ers requiring them. Upon their return from the supermarket, Suzi ,Pthomas and Barry were greeted with hugs from Selina, and Peter. Shopping was unloaded, drink were opened, and the setting up of munchies commenced. While the food was being arranged, Tap, Carol, Dale and Vicci arrived bringing with them, among other things, a luv and jellybabies flan. After the food had been set up, a small group congregated around Suzi's car. Suzi scared Carol with a comment that Barry couldn't be a true geek as he had been up at 7:30 in order to exercise, and the group began discussing AFPrelations. Carol and Barry then proposed to each other, while Tap proposed to Peter, who in turn proposed to Selina. All proposals were accepted, and it was worked out that everyone in afp is now related, in most cases to themselves. During the day, the electric piano in the dining area had seen many attempts to play it, one of which was the wombling song, as played by Barry. This turned out to be a cunning move, as it distracted Vicci, who spent some time learning how to play it. [9] The day wound on, more drinks were consumed, the BBQ was set up, and food was bur^H^H^Hcooked. Along with the usual flame cindered burgers and sossies there were such delicacies as sausage kebabs (onna stick), Cajun chops, spicy pork chops, and spicy chicken, not to mention lightly smoked Barry, and singed Darren. The food was consumed with every sign of enjoyment, and once everyone had had their fill[10] the remaining food was returned to the freezer. Due to the fact that a "bit" too much food was brought, Darren will now be having BBQ meals for the next month. ;) As the night drew in, almost all ventured back inside and music was played. A session of AFPKaraoke began, Maurice produced 2 bottles of alcohol containing mostly apples, which was sampled, and given a rating of "wow", and once again #AFP was visited. [11] After a while some AFP'ers removed themselves outside, and then proceeded to engage in a spot of stargazing. Gid then became a dating agency. While teaching a few people how to mimic the call of a female barn owl, a nearby male was attracted to the calls. When a nearby female started calling in contest, the male went to meet her. *aaahhhh* The stargazers eventually retired inside and, at about 2ish, some people retired to bed, while the #AFP group continued into the night. [12] Sunday Barry took his first step into becoming a real geek by not getting up to exercise, so there is no report for anything before 10.30. :) Most AFP'ers arose later than usual, and were greeted by the sight of Tap, Carol, Selina, Maurice, and others sitting in the conservatory. Once all AFP'ers were active, breakfast was prepared. A Great Big Fry-Up was cooked, and Everyone tucked in. After breakfast, people returned to the conservatory, and various topics were discussed, including that favourite subject of old TV programs. Especially Kiddie ones. Many pictures were taken of the many AFPfamily members, and the Temples were discussed. The topic then turned to childhood accidents involving stining nettles, and good cures for sunburn. [13] At about 4ish, people decided to start on their homeward journeys, and began to set themselves up for the long journey. Many *hugs* were given and received, and the CAMRA Beer festival was discussed as the most likely place for one or two of the group to next see one another. Pthomas and Barry folded themselves into the back of Suzi's Capri again, and the last sight of the Official Norfolk Meet for this reporter was his knees, as they were level with his nose. :) The meet did evolve into Bedford Adhoc1.0. But that's a different story. (see later Post) Thanks again to Darren for providing the venue, and an excellent meet. Personal Thanks from Me, go to Maurice, for that bottle of low alcohol apple juice, ;) and kicking me in the ribs, Tap, for the picture he created in my mind of Gilbert O'Sullivan in flat cap. (Revenge is Mine), Carol, For aggreeing to Marry Me, Peter, For not *trout*ing me for my quote. Suzi for The lift, and Gid for, well, just being Gid. :) Barry R. B.F. The Official Sad Bastard AFPrelated to probably everyone -- AFPCode 1.1a (ten byyzube) (Y&UGZY) (xxxxx. Supporting The Cause) AC/NL$-UK d s+: a- UP++ R+++ F++++ h++ P-(-) OS: !C M- pp--- L+++ c++ B++ Cn+: PT+++ Pu31(-)>Pu10 5 X MT++ eV>VVV r% y-- end He's scaring me. - Carol, when told about Barry R's morning workout [2] Sam, and Barney[3] [3] Who, for some reason, people kept calling Barry. <grrr> [4] Which turned out to be slightly broken. [5] Such as a metric adjustable spanner, and a long weight. [6] A special mention should be made of the fact that Darren has the theme tune to chorlton and the wheelies in wav format. :) [7] <Gid> Johanna: *stealthsnuggle* :-) [8] some of them after chatting until 3am. [9] Barry was accused of un-corrupting Vicci. [10] ie. Couldn't stomach any more. :) [11] Where were you Dublin? [12] As I was one of them, and no one made any meet notes, I'm not sure what happened. [13] Leading to that gross, slap causing, quote.
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