From: Barry_R@compuserve.commie (Barry R) Newsgroups: Subject: [F] renegade london meet 19980926 (Quotes) Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 17:06:30 +0100 Message-ID: <> Reply-To: Quote File It's bigger than mine - Suzi Mum, They're lego geeking. - Gabe I was born in Caerleon - Gid I suppose that name is written with no vowels whatsoever - Gabe Will you stop licking my hand - Ailbhe You can't bring small creatures to an AFPmeet without them getting wet. - Suzi This is AFP, we have cabbages. - Megamole I think I caught the wrong end of that, all I heard was "Are you fully functional now?" - Barry R Who's a fully functional Male? - Gabe I believe men think about sex once every six minutes - Megamole [Gabriel Pauses] Garbriel must have thought about sex. That's why he paused - Julia Furry Condoms! - Adrian It was plastic, you wouldn't have had fun. Gideon You'se are all bastards. - Ailbhe What does it mean when the Ailbhes fly low? - Gabe There will be a full moon soon. - John Well you can have me anytime, I'm free about half two tomorrow. - Ailbhe Which Gutter are you sleeping in tonight? - Adrian His - Gabe MINE - Ailbhe I'll need another drink, I Ailbhe'd this one. - Suzi Don't bounce on him while he's drinking - assembled AFP to Ailbhe How many people are wearing Gilbert underwear? - Michelena Tony, get your hand from out of there. - Ailbhe I have to start low and work my way up as high as I can. - Barry I must say what a sexy bastard my father was. - Michelena I just wanted everyone to know he's got a really big willy - Ailbhe So if we were playing cricket we could use him as a set of stumps - Megamole It gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "Sticky Wicket" - Gideon From: Barry_R@compuserve.commie (Barry R) Newsgroups: Subject: [F] renegade london meet 19980926 (Report) Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 17:06:36 +0100 Message-ID: <> Reply-To: Attendees: Gabe, Megamole, Julia Jones, Gid Holyoake, Suzi Holyoake, Barry R, John Warden, Ailbhe Leamy, Gideon Hallett, Adrian, Gideon Hallett, Michelena Riosa Rob Collier, Tony Finch. Arriving at the Wheatsheaf at 7:30, YHN was greeted by Gabe, Megamole, Julia, Suzi, and Gid. After a few minutes Suzi produced some edible lego, and most of the group set about the task of eating them (the blue one were declared 'orrible by some people). About fifteen minutes later the group was joined by John, Ailbhe, Adrian, and Gideon. Ailbhe promptly leapt onto Gabe's lap (a place that she would return to at various times during the evening) whilst the rest of the new arrivals made more traditional greetings. These arrivals were followed shortly afterwards by Michelena and Rob, who in turn were followed by Tony. The early conversation among the group was centered among the events of the recent Convention, and Gideon H produced some photographs for the group to peruse. As the evening wore on, the conversation turned towards other subjects including The Simpsons, Red Dwarf, Sex, and Buggering Hedgehogs. Among the highlights of the evening was the honour accorded to Ailbhe, of being an afp'er whose name has been used as a verb. During the course of the meet, Ailbhe showed an amazing ability to knock tables and spill drinks. After the third (maybe fourth) time, it was decided that from then on that "to Ailbhe" meant to spill drinks. It was also decided by some members that Ailbhe should be renamed AFPCalamity. Also, some members of the group decided on what the next Con would produce in the area of interesting dips for the Chairman. Unfortunately YHN could only concentrate on one group at a time, and as he had the writing materials was designated to note the drinks ordered, so is sure that he missed many of the high points of the evening. If anyone would like to post any observations they have of the meet, they would be most welcome. Barry R. B.F. The Original Official Sad Bastard -- AFPother half to Meg, the Magpie, AFPinsignificant other to Carol, AFPartnered to Lottie, In Ailbhe's Queue, A Member of the Harem, AFPShrink to MEG, and in need of help himself. Abducted by space aliens eh? Well, LET THE PROBING BEGIN!!!!! - Tick From: Barry_R@compuserve.commie (Barry R) Newsgroups: Subject: [F] renegade london meet 19980926 (Report) Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 14:51:33 +0100 Message-ID: <> Reply-To: After being away for a few days, I have just got back to find out that instead of putting Julia Harris on the attending list, I placed Julia Jones. My only excuse is; WibbleWibbleWibbleWibbleWibbleBeepWibbleWibbleWibbleFwaff I'm now positive I've lost it. I can only apologise, beg your forgiveness (especially both Julias), and ask for any volunteers to help me find it. ;) Yours in wibbleville, Barry R. -- Beep
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