From: "Stewart Tolhurst" <> Newsgroups: Subject: [F] Oxford 10/10 Meet Report and Quotefile Date: 12 Oct 1998 20:01:46 GMT Message-ID: <01bdf619$92c5e520$> Contrary to popular Oxford meets are not always too popular!! I think we suffered somewhat from an excess of AFP things happening this weekend (Oxford, Bedford and London!). Anyway the attendees were Parte the First Stewart Tolhurst Anejo Kheldar LoneWolf Chris Horry John Barberio Parte the seconde Stewart Tolhurst Anejo Chris Horry Lonewolf John Barberio John Warden Ailbhe Adrian (plus associated hangers on!!) I proceeded to the Turf and spent the next 10 minutes wondering round aimlessly wondering why I had volenteered to organise this and trying to find a reasonable sized table!! Anejo (who had allowed an hour to get to the pub in case the instructions were dodgy - such little faith...) spotted me and we then pondered whether this may in fact be the smallest meet in the history of AFP.... However our fears where unfounded as first Kheldar, then Chris Horry made themselves known. John Barberio eventually joined the group having been lurking for about 45 minutes (we were going to approach him on the next circuit - honest!) - prominently displaying Anejo's copy of TLC might have helped!! John brought further material to advertise our purpose - maya chocolate and chocolate coated coffee beans (which have cause both myself and Chris Horry to change our AFP codes).Lonewolf was the last to join the happy throng having been in the pub for over an hour now being able to spot us!! After lunch (or two in Kheldar's case) and much beer Anejo departed to a 21st Birthday party but vowed to return! Kheldar then had to vanish as RL was calling!! The remainder of the group then adjurned to Waterstones to buy PTerry books in the hope of making ourselves more prominent in the Eagle and Child (CH bought Sourcery, I bought the Watch Diary and Lonewolf bought the Discworld Mappe). Once in the Eagle and Child things were in danger of quietening down until we were "Ailbhe'd" as the lady in question (whose name I will never forget how to pronounce after having to pay a number of fines), Adrian and John Warden appeared (adding a significant amount of life to the occasion). John B's chocolate coffee beans may have also helped liven things up as most of them were scoffed at this point! Anejo re-appeared later (together with a group dragged from party) and things started to get rather silly and drunken. It was during this time that Chris and Anjeo tried to up their AFPurity by getting married... not sure of the legality of the situation though - I feel that John Warden should adjudicate (as he was the designated driver and stone cold sober.....) Finally we got chucked out of the Eagle and Child and the group went their separate ways.... Special credit must be given to Chris Horry who really really intended to go home after "parte the first" but somehow didn't...... Quotefile: Kheldar: There are far too many Americans on Anejo: I think of Gid as a big beard Kheldar: "I think Gid is just a beard on legs" ...later... Chris H: "You could also say Ailbhe is a personality on legs :)" Kheldar: Where are you going? Chris Horry: Aylesbury. Kheldar: Don't. Stewart: That really is the coffee and chocolate experience John B: "Has anyone ever noticed how afp meets always end up being exactly the same as afp?" *embarassed silence* Chris H to Ailbhe: "You are devilishly attractive" Ailbhe: "Polygamy is excellant" Anjeo: "Oh it does tickle" Ailbhe: "But he's got his clothes on...." Chris H to Anjeo: "You are wonderful and sexy" Anjeo to Chris H: "You are wonderful and sexy" Potientially libelious text by Stewart Quotes by Chris Horry, Anejo and Stewart -- Stewart Tolhurst - Remove everything from the . to the @ to email me AFPCode 1.1a AC$/Mus-UK d s+:s+ a- UP+ R+ F+ h- P-- OSD: ?C M--- pp---- L+ c B Cn PT Pu70- 5-- !X MT e++>+++ r++ y+ end
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