The L-Space Web: Fandom

Carol's Birthday Meet

From: (jester)
Subject: [F] Meet Photos
Date: Sun, 06 Dec 1998 21:26:11 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Photos from Carol's Birthday meet can be seen at

And here a few quotes from after Warwick left with the main quotefile
(recorded by Peter):

jester: Don't go down that heavy

Mad Purple Dragon: Getting it off is easy

Dale: Squeeze it again. Again! Again!

Carol: It won't go stiff

Andy Brown
--        | Unsound Engineer to the MAS
AFP Code V1.1a AC$/Mu-UK dx@ s-:@ a UP+ R>+ F h>  P-- OSD:>- ?C M-
pp--- L C- B+ Cn-:+ PT++ PU68@ 5 X++ MT+ eV++ r- y*-- end

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