From: (Barry R) Newsgroups: Subject: [F] Cambridge meet report Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 15:58:59 -0000 Message-ID: <> Reply-To: OK, the official meet report for Cambridge goes like this... Attendees: Jennie Lees, Carly, C Cooke, Maurice Barnes, Leo (of course), Gid, Suzi, Big Jules, Melusine, Rand, Peter Ellis, Megamole, Tim Hunt, Helen Highwater, Jonathan Ellis, Ailbhe, Adrian, Lottie, LNR, Pthomas, RJK, Barry R. Report: First to arrive at the pub were Jennie, Carly, Charles Cooke, and YHN, who proceeded to commandeer the usual corner of the pub. Some people ordered drinks immediately, and whilst they were getting comfortable they were joined by Maurice, who also ordered a drink, as well as some food. (At this point some other people thought hard about doing the same, as the smell of the food was very tempting.) Topics of discussion so far had ranged from "where do we sit?" to what do we drink?" Leo arrived next, and was followed in quick succession by Gid, Suzi, Big Jules and Rand. Now topics stretched to include "Red Dwarf VIII" and how nice the Bananananana Toffee flavoured White chocolate was, to "CC, where did you get that 99% chocolate from?", "oo, flakes!", and "what shall we drink?" Hugs were given and received, and chocolate was eaten (the bar of banoffee flavour disappeared particularly fast...), drinks appeared and discussion resumed. Red Dwarf VIII gained a bit of a foothold, and the group briefly made a critical examination of the first episode. The ensuing conclusion was that once again Red Dwarf was a program that should not be missed. Over the next 15 minutes more arrivals appeared, in the shape of Lottie, Peter Ellis, (he of the ready wit and superlative haiku's), Megamole, Peters brother Jonathan, Ailbhe, Adrian, and a #afp'er by the name of Melusine. More hugs were given and received, and more drinking happened. Handcuffs were produced once again, and the first victims found themselves wandering around, whilst being given strange looks by some of the pubs other customers. Melusine found a comfortable seat on Peter's knee, and Ailbhe and Adrian again added to the World's *VOM* average. The 'cuffs were used to terrorize Leo, and he was actually tricked into running away from someone who didn't actually have the 'cuffs. Jonathan was then cuffed to a decorative rail, and the key was kept in a safe place by Melusine. More arrivals appeared, including the famous Helen Highwater and Tim Hunt, as well as Richard Kettlewell. Topics soon turned to a rehearsal of the proposed CCDE flake eating contest, and the flake bars were distributed by YHN, who somehow managed to end up with a half a bar (I wonder how that happened). The other recipients were, Suzi, Big Jules, Lottie, Ailbhe, and Melusine. First to perform was Suzi, who gave a masterful performance, who was then followed by BigJules, whose performance was also superb. Lottie made a token effort, before just eating the flake and exclaiming "it's chocolate!". Ailbhe's eating of her flake was seen to make several men wince, and Melusine was distracted by someone else eating their flake. So all in all, Maurice's flake went down well... More drinks appeared, Leo and Gid didn't geek welsh, and Leo was on the receiving end of some very hard questions like "what was the rugby score today?" <G> As the evening gave way to night, some people made their way home, Helen and Tim needing to make the long drive to milton keynes, and Mel and YHN needed to return to London. As I had to leave, I now turn the reporting of subsequent events over to anyone who witnessed them. (I understand that some people went to a curry house, and that Leo has some more quotes to be added to the ones below) And the first Ailbhe of the evening was made by Tim Hunt, at 19:52... well done that man. *applause* Quote File: Pardon me, I just need to Scratch. - C Cooke Ooh, very Tiny. - C Cooke You've got to show him yours. - Barry I'm just scratching my shoulder, honest. - Gid I feel like a very small ventriloquist with a very large dummy. - Peter with an OSB sitting on his knees. He really enjoys the cherry being stuck in him. - Big Jules They're like 4 little Ailbhes jumping up and down. - Megamole describing B*witched If that doesn't come out, I'm going in. - Barry They just don't get longer. - Gid Too much desperation gets you nowhere. - Peter How would you know? - Megamole Experience! - Peter It isn't hard now, but I have a feeling it'll get hard in a moment. - Lottie It's normal for geeks, it's very important to remember it's not normal for the majority - Helen They're not really sturdy enough for my purposes. - Melusine It's tiny. - C Cooke (AFPGiant) I'm very sorry to hear that. - Melusine Because he gets it out more than once a month, unlike you. - Peter to Megamole DIE!!!! - Ailbhe to Jonathan Irish Pronunciation Geeking - Ailbhe and Melusine [well it makes a change from Welsh - ed] Get it off - Peter to Suzi Ah, if you're really good Suzi... - Megamole (unbuttoning shirt) It's ok, he's wearing something under it. - Lottie I don't have enough support. - Melusine Do you need more from underneath? - Peter Put it Away - Leo to Barry With a tongue like that you're coming home with me - Melusine to Barry It's longer than it was last time. - LNR to Gid Oi! get your hand off my nipple. - Melusine to Ailbhe That knee is beginning to suffer from terminal shake. - Melusine You think he minds about smut??? - Barry I don't think I have a bike at the moment. - Peter He could feel it coming... -C Cooke Why are you doing that when you can pull out and dive in? - Melusine Well, that's all. It was a great meet, and very much enjoyed. I would like to congratulate Leo on the marvellous work of arranging this meet, which was a work of genius, considering it was done in absentia. Well Done Leo Barry R. B.F. The Official Sad Bastard -- You phoned me up at 3am to ask for a takeaway... What's the address? OK. One Order Of Ultra-Violence Coming Up!!!
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