From: (Barry R) Newsgroups: Subject: [F] The "George In London Meet" Report and Quotefile Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 21:39:05 +0100 Message-ID: <> Reply-To: Guest Of Honour: George Attendees: Ali Megamole John Warden Pthomas Adrian Ogden Barry R oh, and 6 flakes bars, 12 walnut whips, 9 Cadburys Creme Eggs 1 box of Chocolate Coated Ginger and a late arrival of a single bar of Maya Gold Report First to arrive at the tube station was Ali, who arrived rather early and decided to have a quick drink at the pub over the road. She returned to the station and was shortly greeted by George and Barry, who arrived not too long after. Megamole appeared next, and passed on the news that the northern line was currently playing silly buggers. (that's news?) After giving the rest of the attendees five minutes time to appear, these four decrep^Wintrepid explorers made their way to the Prince of Wales, and commandeered an area at the back of the pub. Drinks were bought, and Barry disappeared for a moment to collect some items that had been forgotten, returning to find that a Thomas had nicked his seat. Welcomes were made, and talk soon turned to the old favourites of South Park, the Simpsons, and flakes. John Warden appeared at about 7 O'clock, (with a bag of chocolate goodies like Chocolate coated ginger, creme eggs, and Walnut whips), and more drinks were bought. The appearance of Adrian Ogden came as a surprise to everyone (well me anyway). A space was made for him, and talk turned to Paranoia scenarios, rather good introductions to the game (the warning bot and Logic bomb are very good) and some of the more evil and vicious^w^w^wentertaining escapades that had been experienced. The group then began the task of eating the chocolate items with the maximum of eroticism. One AFP'ers removal of the filling of a walnut whip was rather distracting to another. and the less said about what happened to the flake the better. A comment about how bad Red Dwarf was quickly became a session of making it known to the miscreant that Red Dwarf was actually back to being absolutely hilarious (whether it's the best series is not the question, just that it's funny again) A person who will remain nameless then began impersonating Gizmo, and soon the whole group were scaring the barstaff with group mogwai impressions. After a few more drinks, the eating of the Chocolate ginger, walnut whips, Maya gold, flakes, and creme eggs, soon we were discussing another staple diet of afpmeets, the singing of Tom Lehrer and Monty Python. Starting with Poisoning Pigeons, there was a singalong of great enthusiasm. A few verses of The Masochism Tango were then heard, and then a little excerpt of Nicolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky. Adrian and Barry even began to sing the elements song, but stopped after getting some very strange looks from Megamole (we're not that sad... honest) then launched into the Python Classics "Sit on my Face". (OK, we are that sad) The pub's payphone then rang, prompting two of the group to reach for their mobiles, which had the exact same ring, and shortly afterwards one of the mobiles rang, and prompted one of the barstaff to pick up the payphone. The bell for last orders rang and last drinks were had, after which the group decided to leave the pub. One of the Barstaff commented on a discworld t-shirt being worn, whereupon we found that she was a bit of a Pterry fan. (always the way isn't it) After returning to the provided crash space sleeping arrangements were decided, a goodbye to Adrian Ogden was made, and a short session of IRC happened. The group split up at about 00:30ish to retire to beds, and YHN went to sleep in order to be ready for the Saturday ahead. (he understands that the rest geeked^wtalked until around 3am) Quote File: (In the absence of Peter, Ali became the "Quote!!!" target) ;) I think the time has come to cross my legs. - Ali No, You can't quote gestures. - JohnW I don't do erotic, I just do Gannet. - Ali I'm Just borrowing your marbles. - George It's a bit softer than I expected. - Ali Raccoons aren't as pungent, I've smelt the difference - JohnW It's probably warm and sticky by now. - Ali Drunk In Charge of A Python Lyric is a very serious offence - Adrian Barry's tongue action is most distracting - Megamole Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, ... - Adrian 20p! - Megamole No, keep going, when you get to £10 you can buy a round - Barry Stay, I need you. You've become a prop. - unclaimed Do you know how to unzip them? - Barry Which one of you brought a mobile that sounds like a payphone? - Barmaid Both of us - Barry & Pthomas Coffee's such a letdown. - Megamole But at least coffee doesn't melt if you're not careful- Adrian She may not be fluffy, but her head certainly is. - Adrian The Rimmer Song? I think I have an MP3 of that one - George I love you - Barry Use your tongue! - Pthomas & George Why do I get the feeling I won't be coming back to this pub again? - Barry She was tickling me - Pthomas No I wasn't, I was trying to Snog you - George It's Pthomas's Purse. - George I think that's made George's night now - Ali Yes, Four young men on her Chest - Pthomas Only 'cos it doesn't work for you. - Barry Why do I get *vom*med on? - Ali Let's stick it in... Give me the Pen - Adrian How much can she get in her mouth at one time? - Ali about Ailbhe Yours is longer - JohnW Oh, I see someone desperate. - George We don't bite... Unless you're made of chocolate -Adrian Adrian clears throat at length I didn't know you spoke Dutch - Barry Oh Well, that's all Barry R. B. F. The Official Sad Bastard -- Wot No Cheese _\\|//_ (` o-o ') *=oOOO======(_)===OOOo======*
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