The L-Space Web: Fandom

MoleMeet 1.0: Announce

From: Paul Smith <>
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] [F] MoleMeet 1.0, Welwyn Garden City, 8 May 1999
Date: 22 Mar 1999 15:29:32 -0000
Message-ID: <220399152838afpa@vigen>

(mod note: only one of the moderators was married at the weekend ;)
	- rrc)


Further to the assorted mumblings of a Hertfordshire meet which have
plagued afp for nigh on a year, now, and further to the wibblings of
the otherwise engaged (or married, Mr. Moderator! ;-)), timetables
have been shuffled as follows.

WHERE:  The Cottage pub, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire

Miq and this mole went on a scouting mission to this pub and
pronounced it suitable.

WHEN:   Saturday 8 May 1999, starting 4:30pm
BRING:  Cuddly toys, limited amounts of chocolate, unlimited hugs
CRASH:  At my mum's in Panshanger (maximum 4 people, no smoking).

PLEASE email this mole asap on <> if you want to


[i] Welwyn Garden City

By train from Kings Cross (30 mins)/Cambridge (1 hr)/Peterborough (1
hr); by car up the A1 from London (turn off at either junction 6 or
7).  Follow the signs to the centre of WGC.  For those arriving
before 6-ish car parking is going to (a) cost and (b) be difficult.

[ii] The Cottage pub

Find the Howard Centre shopping mall; it's where the station is and
is slap bang in the centre of WGC - you can't miss it.  Turn so that
your back is to the portico of the Howard Centre and you're looking
up Howardsgate (the central street, which slopes slightly upwards).

Turn left and walk till you see a mini-roundabout (100 yards).  Then
turn right - you should see a small Pay and Display car park and a
Sainsbury's on your right.

The Cottage is set back from the road (it has its own car park) and
is on the left, about 40 yards up the street.

- -- 
Chocolate rix in thy tum - Ancient Blessing of the Uffington AfpMoles
MegaMole - The Official Enrico Basilica and Chairblob of AFPMadrigal
              * *
The Molehill is at

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


    Submissions for to:
                    All submissions are PGP signed.
           before submitting articles to afp.announce. Thanks!

From: MegaMole <>
Subject: [F] Molemeet Reminder
Date: Thu, 6 May 1999 18:50:40 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Reply-To: MegaMole <>

                 * Final Non-AFPA Announce *

Please could all those planning to attend e-mail this mole on
<> so I can get an idea of numbers? I have an idea
that about 8-10 people so far are attending...

*                                                            *
*  MoleMeet 1.0 - "It's Big and Black and Hairy and Oi be    *
*                  Afraid of it!"                            *
*                                                            *

WHERE:  The Cottage pub, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire

WHEN:   Saturday 8 May 1999, starting 4:30pm

BRING:  Cuddly toys, limited amounts of chocolate, unlimited 

        STOP PRESS: If AFPMads are around, I'll be handing 
        music out in memoriam Antti for Clarecraft...

CRASH:  At my mum's in Panshanger (maximum 4 people, no


[i] Welwyn Garden City

By train from Kings Cross (30 mins)/Cambridge (1 hr)
/Peterborough (1 hr); by car up the A1 from London (turn off
at either junction 6 or 7).  Follow the signs to the centre of
WGC.  For those arriving before 6-ish car parking is going to
(a) cost and (b) be difficult.

[ii] The Cottage pub

Find the Howard Centre shopping mall; it's where the station
is and is slap bang in the centre of WGC - you can't miss it.
Turn so that your back is to the portico of the Howard Centre
and you're looking up Howardsgate (the central street, which
slopes slightly upwards).

Turn left and walk till you see a mini-roundabout (100 yards).
Then turn right - you should see a small Pay and Display car
park and a Sainsbury's on your right.

The Cottage is set back from the road (it has its own car
park) and is on the left (ie the other side from Sainsbury's),
about 40 yards up the street.  It's a short street, so you
should see the pub if you walk up and down a couple of

Chocolate rix in thy tum - Ancient Blessing of the Uffington AfpMoles
MegaMole - The Official Enrico Basilica and Chairblob of AFPMadrigal
Firukojutsu-no-Sensei - mail: <>/<>
The Molehill is at

The Afpmeets section of L-Space is maintained by Patrick, Mark and Laurabelle,
who always welcome questions, corrections, and updates.

The L-Space Web is a creation of The L-Space Librarians
This mirror site is maintained by A.H.Davis