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Nottingham: Announce

From: "ST Lock" <>
Subject: [ANNOUNCE][F] Nottingham (UK) Meet - 24th July
Date: 9 Jun 1999 18:50:12 +0100
Message-ID: <>


Hiya Folks,

Helen & I are organising a Nottigham meet for anyone interested in coming
along! It's a cross group meet so there might also be people from the Buffy
the Vampire Slayer and Doctor Who groups.

I'm the only crash space person for the Who & Buffy groups so any other
Notts afpers that can offer space are appreciated, if not email me anyway
if you need crash space.
Email me if you're interested in coming!

The details are as follows.

Date: Saturday 24th July  
Afternoon Place & Time :Wollaton Hall: Meet at 2pm in front of the Hall
itself, weather permitting
Evening Place & Time:  The Victoria Inn, Beeston  7.30pm. 
How to get to the Victoria:-
By train: 
Take the train to Beeston. Walk out of the front of the station, and head
towards the centre of Beeston. Turn left down the second substantial street
you get to, which is Grove Street. Turn left at the end.You'll come across
the Victoria fairly soonish -- basically, you can't miss it. It's actually
right next to the station, but there's no gate from the platform straight
into the pub yard, unfortunately.. 
By road: 
I'm assuming you're coming from the M1. If not, you'll need to find your
own way to the west end of Nottingham and the A52 (otherwise known as the
Derby Road).  Leave the M1 at the A52 junction, which IIRC is junction 25.
It's signposted (IIRC, again *grin*) Nottingham if you're coming from the
North, and "Nottingham North" if you're coming from the South. Follow signs
towards Nottingham, and keep going over two roundabouts until you're on a
wide, three-lane road with a 40 limit and running through a built-up area,
which becomes the Derby Road. After about a mile, you'll see a turning off
to the right signposted for Beeston -- the B6006, Wollaton Road. There's a
filter lane, and a filter arrow on the lights. (If you get to a big 
roundabout next to the "Priory" restaurant, and with shops on the left,
you've gone too far -- spin round the roundabout, then the Wollaton Road
will be approx. the third on the left). Follow this road around and keep
going -- you'll pass through the centre of Beeston (a pair of pedestrian
crossings with pedestrian precincts on both sides) and pass the fire
station and the multi-storey on the right. Keep going. When you get to a
major crossroads with the Queens Road and traffic lights (these are, I
think, the *second* set of lights after the centre), keep straight on
towards the station, then turn first right. If you go over the flyover,
you've gone too far! Follow the road and turn left at the next T-junction,
and you'll see the Victoria in front of you. Park where you can... 
Once in Beeston most people should know the way to the station (which the
Victoria is near) so you could ask a friendly denizen. 
By air: 
Fly to East Midlands airport. Get in a taxi. Say, "Take me to the Victoria,
in Beeston, please". You can obviously afford to do this if you're flying in
specially for a meet.. 
Other notes: 
Oh, the pub is fairly large and rambling -- there are several rooms on the
ground floor. You'll have to look around if you don't find us at first. 

Instructions reproduced with the kind permission of Mike Knell. 
How to get to Wollaton Hall: 
By Car:  

- From the M1: Junction 25, towards Nottingham, as per instructions for
Beeston, but carry on and  go straight on at the Priory roundabout. Carry
on up the hill, and down to the large roundabout  (Queens Medical Centre
roundabout). Turn left onto the ring-road. At the next roundabout, go left
again onto Wollaton Road. Carry on past the Willoughby Arms (which is
on the right) until the  road appears to split off to the left (There is a
Heritage signpost for the Hall). Bear left, and the  Entrance to the Hall
is marked by a green & white sign. Parking is inside the grounds, quite a
way up, and it's pay and display. We'll wait for people on the hill in
front of
the Hall! If it's raining  (perish the thought!) at the turn off for the
hall, instead of bearing left down Wollaton Road, carry  on straight ahead up
Russell Drive, and there's a pub immediately past the junction, called the 
Wheelhouse. We'll be in there (somewhere!) If in doubt, just look up my
piccy on the web site...  look for a tallish "sturdy" woman with dyed
auburn curls... and a pint glass in hand... 
By any other means: From Nottingham, there is a regular bus service to
Wollaton. The  Information office for Nottingham buses is on Queen street,
but if anyone needs to know, just email Helen Fayle (

Luv & jellybabies


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