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Manchester: Announce

From: Martyn Clapham <>
Subject: [F] Manc. meet 12th Nov.
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 21:11:11 +0100
Message-ID: <>

I know that Aņejo is organising the actual meet, but I was in
Waterstones today and found the following flyer there.

[ format as original except for italics etc. ]

                         COME AND MEET 
                        TERRY PRATCHETT 
                  who will be signing copies 
                      of his new hardback 
                      THE FIFTH ELEPHANT 
                           and also 
                         CARPE JUGULUM 
                     NANNY OGG'S COOKBOOK 
                        at Waterstone's 
                         91 Deansgate 
                    on Friday 12th November 
                      from 4.30 - 5.30 pm 
                  1F UNABLE TO ATTEND SIGNED 
                    COPIES CAN BE RESERVED: 
                         0161 837 3000 
                   WE REGRET NO DEDICATIONS 

Afpengaged to Carol. Regularly embarrassed by Vicci and kept under control by 
the wonderfully mysterious Naomi X and the superlative Supermouse.
Afpurity = 49% old test, 37% new test. Beyond the point of no return! :-)

From: (Mary Capel)
Subject: [ANNOUNCE][F] Manchester AFP Meet - Nov 12th - 15th!
Date: 14 Oct 1999 12:10:04 +0100
Message-ID: <>


The date: 	Starts on Friday 12th November and continues until
Monday morning, 15th November, assuming we all last that long :)

The time:  	2pm Fri 12th November is the start of the Agenda...
details of other times and places during the course of the weekend
will be posted a little nearer the time.

(will obviously include Waterstones on Deansgate from 19:00 - 21:00
for the signing)

The place: 	starting at "The Moon Underwater", the Wetherspoons
pub on Deansgate, Manchester.  Spending Friday evening before and
after the signing there (they do food) then elsewhere for the rest of
the weekend (more details, as i've said, to follow).

So wass goin' on?
- - -----------------

Another  AFPmeet so I can see again all the wonderful people I met at
my first meet, and hopefully meet some more.

Thought it my duty not  to let the recent meet be the last Manchester 
AFPmeet of the millenium!

The 12th is a Friday, which means that if you're that way inclined
there's the possibility of attending one of Manchester's famous clubs
after the signing and boozing.  Probably to be  followed by sleep, and
being up in time to start all over again on the Saturday, at another
Manchester Pub, around lunchtime, as the AFP meet continues.  
Again, further details to follow nearer the time.

The plan on Friday is  to meet in the pub at 2pm, and spend a pleasant
afternoon nattering, drinking the variety of interesting beers, ales,
wines etc  offered by the Moon Underwater. There's food there for
those that have room after the usual copious quantities of chocolate.
After that, the signing from 7pm - 9pm at Waterstone's, and then more
alcohol at the Moon Underwater until either crashing or clubbing then

How do I get there?
- - -------------------

  By train to Victoria - 

Victoria station is just beyond the end of Deansgate - see A-Z map on
the Waterstones book shop website for the Manchester Deansgate branch
for details, but basically you just walk along deansgate 'til you get
there (about 15 mins walk).

  By train to Piccadilly:

- - - From Piccadilly station, walk down the station approach and keep
going past a large park on your left. This is Piccadilly Gardens. On
the far side of this park is Piccadilly Bus Station by the way (useful
for buses to the pub we go to on Saturday, and for getting buses to
crash space at my houseon Fri/Sat/Sun). 
Keep going down straight on through the pedestrianised shopping
precinct, then across a road and down another short piece of road
straight on, until you come to the crossroads with Deansgate, 
then turn left and walk along until you see the pub on your right -
not far.

This is a summary - clearer directions can be found by looking at the
street map which shows Waterstones (also on Deansgate slightly further
along).  See: and look up the Manchester store on
Deansgate for details of directions and signing.  The pub is close to
the store so you should find both using this to locate Deansgate.

  By train to Oxford Road:

- - - From Oxford Road station, walk down the approach until you reach
Oxford Road (surprisingly) at the junction with Whitworth Street. Turn
left along Oxford Road and continue up Oxford Road past the library on
your right until you reach the crossroads with Deansgate.  At which
point turn right and keep going - you'll get to Waterstones (on your
right) first and then The Moon Underwater (on your left).

  By coach to Chorlton Street Bus Station

- - - From the bus station, head north to Picadilly Gardens on your
right, and follow directions as from Piccadilly station.

  If all else fails

E-mail me on and I'll give further

Where do I sleep?
- - -----------------
If you require somewhere to crash, I will be  putting people up. My
place is only a short bus / taxi ride away - 86, 46, 84, 15 and 14 all
go very close to my place so we'll troop on to one of them come the
I'm sure other Manc and Manc-close AFPers will offer overflow crash
space as necessary, but I have plenty of room.  Just bring a sleeping
bag if you have one in case I run out of beds!  Oh yeah - and
deodorant too if you are staying for the whole thing!

You can probably track down B&B's etc. from Manchester Online ( ) if you don't want to kip at mine -
that site may also give more info about anything else i haven't
covered here.  

Where do I park?
- - ----------------

Parking is a nightmare - if you want to bring a car then the best bet
will be to come to my house in the morning of the day you are joining
us and we'll get a bus wherever together (not far).  Since people will
be returning to my house to sleep anyway it makes sense to leave cars
there as there's no problem at all with parking near me (reasonable
area - won't get broken into).
Can direct you there to park even when i'm not there  if you are
arriving at other times during the course of the meet  - buses leave
from near my house to Piccadilly every few minutes and take only 10
mins to get into the centre of town.
Any orange badge holders contact me for closer parking details and
I'll find out for you.

Any further queries?

email me on

more details about specifics to be posted soon...

and on the day - have my mobile number with you in case you lose us:

0795 760 6168


Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: noconv


    Submissions for to:
                    All submissions are PGP signed.
           before submitting articles to afp.announce. Thanks!

From: "Mary Capel" <>
Subject: [ANNOUNCE][F] Manchester AFP Meet - Nov 12th - 15th! - UPDATE!
Date: 8 Nov 1999 19:40:34 -0000
Message-ID: <>


The date: Starts on Friday 12th November and continues until
Monday morning, 15th November, assuming we all last that long :)

The time:  2pm Fri 12th November is the start of the Agenda...
(see below)

The place: starting at "The Moon Underwater", the Wetherspoons
pub on Deansgate, Manchester.  Spending Friday evening before and
after the signing there (they do food) then elsewhere for the rest of
the weekend (see below).

So wass goin' on?
- - -----------------

Another  AFPmeet so I can see again all the wonderful people I met at
my first meet, and hopefully meet some more.

Thought it my duty not  to let the recent meet be the last Manchester
AFPmeet of the millennium!

The 12th is a Friday, which means that if you're that way inclined
there's the possibility of attending one of Manchester's famous clubs
after the signing and boozing.  Probably to be  followed by sleep, and
being up in time to start all over again on the Saturday, at another
Manchester Pub, around lunchtime, as the AFP meet continues.
Again, further details to follow nearer the time.

The plan on Friday is  to meet in the pub at 2pm, and spend a pleasant
afternoon nattering, drinking the variety of interesting beers, ales,
wines etc  offered by the Moon Underwater. There's food there for
those that have room after the usual copious quantities of chocolate.
After that, the signing from 3.30pm at Waterstone's (signing at 4pm - ),
and then more alcohol at the Moon Underwater until either crashing
or clubbing then crashing.

- ---------------

There are the following, set in stone, fixed points that will
definitely happen - I say this so that anyone can be certain
of finding us during the meet...


2pm - Meeting at Moon Underwater Pug in Deansgate (probably sitting

3.30pm - We'll be at waterstones queuing for the signing which runs from 4pm

6pm (roughly?) - Return to Moon Underwater for dinner, alcohol, chocolate
etc.  We WILL remain there until closing time.

Closing time - group splits into 2 - clubbers and those returning to my
house for, possibly a video and drunken revelry and maybe some sleep (bring
alcohol or purchase b4 we leave the pub when the off licenses will be shut -
we can't depend on Stu for wine again can we).


11am - people start emerging from sleeping bags for the continuation of the
Blakes 7-athon started last time. (to include trip out to takeaway and
possibly off license at lunchtime).

7pm - Curry, at the Princess Of Hearts in Chorlton (2 minutes walk from my
house, on Manchester road on the same side as the Baths but slightly further
down hill - see direction details below).

9pm - More drunken revelry at The Royal Oak pub in Chorlton (at the main
crossroads in Chorlton, a little further beyond the curry house - dead easy
to find, and again only minutes from my house where the cars will be left).

Closing time - Back to Mary's house for exciting games like Trivial Pursuit,
and anything else we can think of... Twister anyone?


11am - people start stirring from sleeping bags...

12.30pm - outing to the Quadrant Pub (a the opposite end of my road from the
baths, on the roundabout with Kings Road crossing my road) for Sunday lunch,
then probably an afternoon of alcohol and fun, returning to my house when
the mood takes us for more videos, games, chocolate etc

6pm-ish - Free sandwiches for tea, for those that last that long., followed
by chilling out and sleeping over for the remaining guests.


8am - remaining guests thrown out of the house so I can get to work! - Close
of meet.

How do I get there?
- - -------------------

  By train to Victoria -

Victoria station is just beyond the end of Deansgate - see A-Z map on
the Waterstones book shop website for the Manchester Deansgate branch
for details, but basically you just walk along Deansgate 'til you get
there (about 15 mins walk).

  By train to Piccadilly:

- - - From Piccadilly station, walk down the station approach and keep
going past a large park on your left. This is Piccadilly Gardens. On
the far side of this park is Piccadilly Bus Station by the way (useful
for buses to the pub we go to on Saturday, and for getting buses to
crash space at my houseon Fri/Sat/Sun).
Keep going down straight on through the pedestrianised shopping
precinct, then across a road and down another short piece of road
straight on, until you come to the crossroads with Deansgate,
then turn left and walk along until you see the pub on your right -
not far.

This is a summary - clearer directions can be found by looking at the
street map which shows Waterstones (also on Deansgate slightly further
along).  See: and look up the Manchester store on
Deansgate for details of directions and signing.  The pub is close to
the store so you should find both using this to locate Deansgate.

  By train to Oxford Road:

- - - From Oxford Road station, walk down the approach until you reach
Oxford Road (surprisingly) at the junction with Whitworth Street. Turn
left along Oxford Road and continue up Oxford Road past the library on
your right until you reach the crossroads with Deansgate.  At which
point turn right and keep going - you'll get to Waterstones (on your
right) first and then The Moon Underwater (on your left).

  By coach to Chorlton Street Bus Station

- - - From the bus station, head north to Piccadilly Gardens on your
right, and follow directions as from Piccadilly station.

  If all else fails

E-mail me on and I'll give further

Where do I sleep?
- - -----------------
If you require somewhere to crash, I will be  putting people up. My
place is only a short bus / taxi ride away - 86, 46, and 84 buses all
go very close to my place so we'll troop on to one of them come the

- ----------------
Call me on my mobile to find out exact house number details etc on the day
if you arrive on Sat or Sun and will be coming direct to my house.

If you arrive part way through and need to get to my place do as follows:-

By car:  From Didsbury / Withington area come along Barlow Moor Rd. into
Chorlton, carrying straight on at the main crossroads (or from Fallowfield
coming along Wilbraham Road turn right at the main crossroads) in the centre
of Chorlton.  Soon after those main crossroads the road changes name to
Manchester Road then you go past on your left the Library, then the Marble
Beer House, then the Barbakan Deli and then you come to a set of traffic
lights of a pedestrian crossing.
The road immediately after the pedestrian crossing on your left (opposite
Chorlton Leisure Centre and swimming baths) is Kensington Road.
My house is on the left-hand side of Kensington Road.
Coming from the city centre by car?  Phone me for the best route depending
exactly your starting point is.

By Bus:  From the city centre the bus numbers 86, 84 and 47 stop on the same
side of the road as the swimming baths (which is where you should ask for)
but slightly further down the hill.  You retrace your 'steps' up the hill
towards the leisure centre, crossing over Manchester Road at the crossing
and going down Kensington Road (opposite the Baths / Leisure centre).
  From either Chorlton (86), Didsbury (20 something to opposite Chorlton
Park on Barlow Moor road then change), or Withington (46,84), amongst
others, the buses 86, 84 and 46 are used.  They will drop you on Manchester
Road just past Kensington Road (again ask for the leisure centre / baths and
look out for the landmarks listed in the drivers description above to know
where to get off).  Walk back down the hill from the bus stop a few metres
to Kensington Road on your right.

I'm sure other Manc and Manc-close AFPers will offer overflow crash
space as necessary, but I have plenty of room.  Just bring a sleeping
bag if you have one in case I run out of beds!  Oh yeah - and
deodorant too if you are staying for the whole thing!

You can probably track down B&B's etc. from Manchester Online ( ) if you don't want to kip at mine -
that site may also give more info about anything else I haven't
covered here.

Where do I park?
- - ----------------

Parking is a nightmare - if you want to bring a car then the best bet
will be to come to my house in the morning of the day you are joining
us and we'll get a bus wherever together (not far).  Since people will
be returning to my house to sleep anyway it makes sense to leave cars
there as there's no problem at all with parking near me (reasonable
area - won't get broken into).
Can direct you there to park if you are arriving at other times during
the course of the meet  - buses leave
from near my house to Piccadilly every few minutes and take only 10
mins to get into the centre of town.
Any orange badge holders contact me for closer parking details and
I'll find out for you.

Any further queries?

email me on

and on the day - have my mobile number and my husband Darren's no. with you
in case you lose us:

0795 760 6168 Mary
0795 760 6158 Darren


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Charset: noconv


    Submissions for to:
                    All submissions are PGP signed.
           before submitting articles to afp.announce. Thanks!

The Afpmeets section of L-Space is maintained by Patrick, Mark and Laurabelle,
who always welcome questions, corrections, and updates.

The L-Space Web is a creation of The L-Space Librarians
This mirror site is maintained by A.H.Davis