The L-Space Web: Fandom

York: Announce

From: (MP)
Subject: [F] Yorkmeet 2nd June Reminder
Message-ID: <>
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 15:17:20 GMT

13 days and counting...
The first afp Yorkmeet is coming fast - just 8 days after the man
himself is coming to visit, none less.

If you didn't know, there will be a daymeet taking place in York (you
know, little touristy city between near Leeds - most pubs per person
of any place in the UK, all the roads are called something-gate and
all the gates are called something-bar)
If you're in the region, why not pop along and join us?
The plan is to meet in Borders Cafe between 11 and half past (well,
I'll be _in_ Borders, although may be working through their stock in
an armchair somewhere...), then wander down to Coppergate and join a
queue to travel back in time in the recently refurbished Jorvik
centre. We'll then wander off a bit more to get some lunch, then
depending on the weather either find a pub to sit in and talk, or else
go and get a nice river cruise (all the boats have bars and wood
panelling, so it's pretty much of a muchness. Boats get cold in rain
Then we'll look at the time and make a decision on what to do then,
then people will vanish off home. Then I'll have to do a meet report
and put it here (don't expect anything as good as Karen's epic... :-}
). Then I'll go home and get some sleep, then think about what work I
need to get done for Monday...<snip plans for rest of week - you don't
need them).
If this sound's like your cup of tea (please note: I refuse to visit
Betty's Tea Rooms. So don't even think about it... :-} ), drop me an
email - my address is - and I'll send some
more detailed details detailing the details...

MP (who is getting nervous about his first ever meet already)

MP: Did you choose your hairstyle or did it choose you?
Bill Bailey: It is not in fact hair, but a team of small South American Mammals crouching veeeerrry still

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