Newsgroups:,,alt.books.pratchett Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2001 23:02:11 +0100 From: MP <> Reply-To: Subject: [ANNOUNCE][F] Midland Meet, 18th August 2001 Message-ID: <> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Right, following the resounding sucess of Yorkmeet in June, I've decided to do another of these meety things. This time on my home turf (well, nearly...), in Coventry. On the 18th August. Again, due to lack of things such as spare rooms, floors or gardens, it will be a daymeet. Again, I suspect most people who come to it will be travelling by train. Again, drinking will be involved... :-} The basic outline (to be filled in as and when I want to, which may, although probably won't be, after the meet... :-} ) is: Meet everyone somewhere near Coventry railway station at a mutually (in)convenient time, then go and find somewhere for a morning snack. Sit and discuss things, possibly go wander over and look at various interesting bits of Coventry (erm... Well, there's the Cathedral and the Motor Museum... And the Time Team hole...), then go across to a place that has been highly recommended for lunch (Browns). Then perhaps pop into Waterstones (I'm sorry, but it's a reflex action...) and then wander back towards the station, but more particularly to a place on Old Spon Street called the Windmill (possibly, depending on whether there is anything good on and if people want to, via the Odean Cinema...) for drinks, discussion and other things beginning with various letters... Then either go find more food (Hey, I like food...!) or bugger off home... :-} There's already been a lot of interest in this (so don't worry, you won't be the only one there. I mean, I'll be there, even if no-one else is...) and places are not limited in anyway (not by me, anyway...), so feel free to drag along husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, attractive University age daughters and so on... :-} I'd like to know roughly how many people are interested in coming though, so please let me know if you plan to come (don't worry, I won't be angry if you pull out later...) and how you plan to get there. If you could tell me _when_ would be convenient meeting up time, that would be useful too... My email address is (but it's probably best if you post here too - the server is a bit, well, unpredictable at the moment...) Many thanks, and hope to see lots of you there (especially since I won't be at CCDE... :-{ ), MP -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Signed by the AFPA Moderator iQBVAwUBO1Kh5lEnYeztdy65AQHOIAH+OF56KeLuyIcePWit/pw5XmhC6GNgmRYN 3GDBb8R7tycgdXv9RxpYgNwqFUuzeMsdbUHqrTwRD+8hBzzhSsK3SA== =Zi7/ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
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