The L-Space Web: Fandom

Green Man VI: Photos

blurrythomas.jpgPthomas goes all blurry
closeupaq.jpgAquarion gets subjected to close-up photography
closeupmike.jpgThen Mike gets the same treatment
closeupthom.jpgThom gets a really bad photo to remember the night by
closeupthomas.jpgSomeone surprises Pthomas with a close up
group.jpgPthomas dodges as Mike tries to look evil
grouphug.jpgCorinne, Rachel and Lonecat share a moment
sweetmike.jpgVery sweet Mike
vogue.jpgThom strikes a pose
hugging.jpgLonecat provides Mike with his recommended daily hugging intake
leanonme.jpgCookie uses Lonecat for support

Photo's courtesy of Mike Gavin.

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