The Meet Itself...
At the Ratcage
Kincaid, Cookie, Pol and Flexor... Doesn't Cookie look *so* cute... |
Sunday Brunch (Lovely it was... Thanks Huw.)
Jennifer, Timmy Mallett Adam And Liz | |
Jennifer | |
Jester smiles, and Kimmi tries to hide... | |
Jester reads the Secret Diaries. See Kimmi, there's no use hiding... | |
Aquarion, Liz, Lonecat, and Adam |
Just before seeing Monsters Inc.
Lonecat does the food run for Andy. (Photo left-to-right: Jennifer, Jester, Lonecat, Kincaid, and Aquarion) |
Photo's courtesy of Barry R.
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of The L-Space Librarians
This mirror
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