The L-Space Web: Fandom

Green Man VII: Announce

From: Karen <>
Subject: [F] Green Man VII - The Meet with Rocks in it! Saturday June 1st
Date: Fri, 3 May 2002 14:40:08 +0100
Message-ID: <>

Quick reminder that I will be using the  UK Meets list for any last
minute arrangements or interim details but a final announcement will
come here in the usual way.

For details and how to subscribe see:


This is by way of the preliminary announcement pending further details 
closer to time. Its a Bank Hol weekend remember and likely to be 
sizeable meet so offers of crash space etc are very warmly welcomed at 
your earliest convenience...

One idea being mused upon at the moment is the possibility of meeting up 
in nearby Regents Park for the afternoon if the weather looks good. 
Although I'd stress that is as far as thoughts have reached. No actual 
plans have been devised yet.

If you would like to come but are rugrat constrained please also contact
me direct at the above address. Other queries to the same address.


To celebrate the visit to these shores of one Rocky, hot from his latest 
tour. Additionally the lovely MEG has reasons of her own to want to make 
this a special occasion with  afper friends and acquaintances whether or 
not she has already met you. I feel I shouldn't comment on the specifics 
here so feel free to speculate wildly over the possibilities until she 
jumps in to quosh all the rumours :}

I also noted that the Dutch meets have spawned many entries to the 
A-Files [1] - this would be a good opportunity to picture/record any 
afpers attending who wish to be included.

There are usually afpers attending with digital cameras, I'm sure if I 
ask them very nicely they will assist in this :}


Saturday June 1st  6:00pm onwards.


Exotic furrin guests, and hopefully as many as you as can possibly make


Should you bring? Chocolate, strange candy and fluffy toys, fluffy
people. But mostly yourselves...


Please let me know if you're coming, so that I can tot up numbers, I'll
also try to co-ordinate  crash space if required so please send
offers/requests to me as well. Especially offers.


The Venue is "The Green Man" pub, right opposite Great Portland St tube
station. We have the basement as usual.

You really can't miss it and if you do you simply need to ask a member
of the station staff "Can you please tell me where I can find The Green
Man?". At this point they will look at you as if you are their senile
grandmother, turn their head 90 degrees leftward, and point it out to
you. Anyone asking me how I know this will receive a Hard Stare.

Gt Portland St tube is on the Circle/Met/Hammersmith lines, short
distance by road or tube from Euston, Kings Cross, and Paddington and
Liverpool St are only a little further on. The only mainline which is
further is Waterloo.
Unfortunately moving mainline stations to more convenient locations in
London is beyond even my powers of persuasion :]

Its also a short walk from Baker St to Great Portland St - I've done
this a few times and it is a straight line, but  Regents Park or Warren
St are even easier  there is a map even:


Search on 'Great Portland St' and you will get the best segment.


              ** AFP will be 10 years old in 2002 **
Want to come to a world wide party?

The Afpmeets section of L-Space is maintained by Patrick, Mark and Laurabelle,
who always welcome questions, corrections, and updates.

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This mirror site is maintained by A.H.Davis