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Liverpool afp/blueyonder Meet: Report

Message-ID: <afmoad$gbk$>
From: "elfin" <>
Subject: [F] Liverpool Meet Report
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2002 11:58:56 +0100

Although not everyone was able to turn up, an enjoyable time was had.

The meet proper started when Alan, from afp, arrived. This was his first
meet, despite being an afper for nearly 10 years!

The Laughing Buddha, of blueyonder fame, was next to arrive, and then
the final attendee, Martin arrived.

Not having made notes, or being very good at writing meet reports, here
follows an incomplete list of various topics discussed:

At one point in the meet we tried to *under do* one another on low spec
machines and accessories. Alan won with a single speed cd writer.

Merits of Tech support were discussed, not just blueyonders :-)
Why I won't phone blueyonder tech support again...(me: I have a problem
connecting to usenet - support: ahh what is usenet?)
Motorway cameras
How canals go under modern roads.
Gaming servers.
Does Kai ever stop?
the good and the bad of blueyonder tech support, and how they have
improved over time.

Alan Chapman
Martyn Clapham
The Laughing Buddha

with apologies from:
Rachel of blueyonder tech support
Linda (blueyonder user)

Hopefully another meet will be arranged later in the year.

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