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Kalachian meet in a tent or two

From: "Andrea" <>
Newsgroups: alt.books.pratchett,
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] [F] Kalachian meet in a tent or two, Sheffield 17th-18th August
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2002 08:08:15 +0100
Message-ID: <aj52cl$18dp8h$>


Sorry for not doing this through official channels but due to short
notice etc....

Andrea (by virtue of being the one voted to post), Leonard da Quirm,
and The Great Kaiser himself, invite you to an exclusive Safari in the
jungles of Klatch (Hesley Wood Scout Camp, Chapeltown) next weekend -
Sat 17th & Sun 18th August. Frequent excursions to the Rhoxie (Gin)
Palace for Klatchian Hots and similar delicacies have been arranged.

To translate: we would like to invite anyone not going to The Con for
whatever reason to come join us in tents at a cost of £3.00 per person
per night (for the camp fees, you need to bring a tent).  We will be
staying at Hesley Wood Scout Camp and are using this as an excuse to
check out their facilities with a view to planning something larger at
some point in the future.  The site boasts of a variety of activities,
its own bar and most importantly toilets and showers.  Their web page
can be found at

We have planned for people to arrive when they can on the Saturday
(but can make arrangements for Friday is need be :-)).  We will be
there from 10am.  In the evening we will walk down to the local real
ale pub (where we had the last meet) and they have offered to put on
various Kalachian style meals (as well as their usual very nice menu).

On the Sunday Kaiserdad is coming up with ideas for activities before
people need to go home again.

Practicalities: Hesley Wood is 1 mile from M1 junction 35, half mile
from Chapeltown Train Station and on a number of bus routes.  A map is
available along with more detailed directions from

Essential supplies are available from Asda (next to the train station)
so people need not carry too much stuff, and there are group BBQ
facilities on the site - though these are wood burning troughs which
has to be collected.

please reply to


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