The L-Space Web: Fandom

Cambsmeet: Announce

From: Aquarion <>
Subject: [F] Cambsmeet, Saturday
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 20:18:25 +0100
Message-ID: <>

Why?	Hasn't been one in a while.

Where?	It'll start at the Panton Arms[1]

When?	Saturday, Starting about three-ish, We'll be in the Alma until
sevenish definate, and probably afterwards

Crash?	Limited crash space available, 
		Shout at Aquarion for details/offers.


)Text by ccooke, Feetneet by Aquarion(
> (From the station) Walk up station road until it meets Hills
> road. There's a statue in the middle of the road, you can't miss it.
> Carry on to your right along Hills Road towards the city centre. Walk
> along until you pass a co-op, dominoes pizza etc.
> Turn left (West) onto Coronation Street[2] a short way after the co-op (if
> you miss it, there's Union Street, just after it, which also goes to
> where you need.
> At the bottom of (Union|Coronation) Street, you'll find Panton street.
> The pub is visible from panton street -

It's on the corner of it and Coronation Street.

[2] Which isn't too far from Brookside. I'm not kidding.

Notification of arrival to, if you would be
so kind.

"He's muffed it," said Simony. "he could have done anything with them.
And he just told them the facts. You can't inspire people with facts.
They need a cause. They need a symbol." (Terry Pratchett, Small Gods)

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