Welcome to the online version of the THE DISCWORLD CHRONICLE. This is nearly as good as the real thing. Those of you who have subscribed to the convention or to the paper version will notice that there are some bits missing; the rest of you may never know the difference.

There; the above paragraph was supposed to engender a nagging, burning, nerve-shredding curiosity which can only be slaked by subscribing. To show that we're not heartless but merely mercenary we offer you a way out of your torment. Just follow this link: I WANNA SUBSCRIBE!

Better now? O.K., let's see what this is all about...

Issue No.1: August 1997.
Issue No.2: December 1997.
Issue No.3: May 1998.
Issue No.4: September 1998.
The Chronicle Live.

Validation etc.
L-Space Now!
DWCon98 index

Web pages designed by Derek Moody August 1997
Updates: December 1997, May 1998, August 1998, December 1998.