Group 65 had planned to make a movie called "Nightworld" which was planned to be shown at a now forgotten SF convention in 1965, though it was probably "Loncon II", the 23rd Worldcon. It was worked on for some six months, only to fall apart soon after. The camera man was Chuck Despins, who later went on to make a name for himself in the industry.
The photo above shows Michael Moorcock and Pete Taylor conducting a conversation via trenchcoat. Behind Moorcock is Ivor Mayne, the producer of the film. The youngster looking out of frame to the right is suspected to be Terry Pratchett.
However Langdon Jones writes:
Terry was certainly a member of 'Group 65', and used to come to the shoots, so it is likely to be him. But I remember there was another young fan who belonged to the group as well, so it could be possible that a photograph of young Stevie Moore would be going up on the Pratchett website.
After speaking to Terry, we cannot confirm his presence in the above picture, only that he remembers the episode of the trenchcoat.
Are you Stevie Moore? Can you confirm or deny your presence in the above photo?
If anyone has any further information on this project we would be pleased to hear from you. In the first instance please contact
Permission for the use of the photo was granted by Langdon Jones.
Some of the content for this page was provided by Max Wilcox.
Thanks also to Ray Radlein for pointing out some errors.
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