The L-Space Web : Plays : Wyrd Sisters : 2006

March - Brighton


Something is brewing in the state of Lancre. The king has died (under mysterious circumstances) and the royal heir thrown to the thespians. Earthquakes and portents trouble the land, which groans under the tyranny of mad Duke Felmet and his wicked wife. In times like these a wise Fool should keep his multi-belled head down, not let it be turned by pretty witch Magrat Garlick. Especially as Magrat, and her fellow witches Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg, have decided to give destiny a helpful shove. Get ready for double toil and trouble!

Sandgate Theatre Inc. is proud to present "Wyrd Sisters", a delightful comedy by the renowned Terry Pratchett, directed by Doug Hillman. A sly spoof of Shakespearean drama, "Wyrd Sisters" is performing on 3, 4, 10 & 17 March, 7.30 pm at The Auditorium, at Eventide Nursing Home on 353 Beaconsfield Terrace, Brighton. The venue is air conditioned, but not licensed. Tickets are $15 Adult, $12 Concession (unemployed, pensioners, and groups of ten or more).

There will be a special production on Tuesday 7 March, when school groups can see the play for only $5 per person. For bookings call Trisha on 3857 2463 or email

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