The L-Space Web: Filks

afp not abp

From: Torak
Subject: Re: Everything's is [I]!
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2002 23:43:13 +0200

Me too. As for the difference between ABP and AFP (last time I looked, which was about three years ago):

It's cold inside, there's not as much atmosphere
it's serious, more or less
let me joke, far away from here,
A - F - P not A - B - P

I want to write, rambling and lunatic,
drinking fresh mango juice,
starfish shoals, nibbling at my toes
A - F - P... A - F - P...
A - F - P... A - F - P...

[Wogan mode] Yes, folks, it's time to play Spot The Filk! [/wogan mode]

What do you know, my first posted filk... Hm. I'll have to update my AFPcode, I guess.

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