The L-Space Web: Filks

Non Je Ne Regrette Rien

Author: Joy Green
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999

A couple of people asked me if I was going to post a translation -- so here it is...

No, I don't give a damn
I have no regrets can't you see
Cabbage duels, silly games, meta comps
They mean nothing to me
No, I don't give a stuff
I don't begrudge you your fun
In the end, though you gloat, it means nowt
It's all over and done
You can keep all your pics
Indeed why should I care?
Though I'm sure it was great
Well I just wasn't there
Forget all your filks
Though they're clever indeed
If you don't know the jokes
Then they're no fun to read
No, I don't give a damn
I have no regrets can't you see
Cabbage duels, silly games, meta comps
They mean nothing to me
No, I don't really care
My turn, I'm sure it will come
I have dreams
I'll try not to mope
It's Millenicon soon
And I'll be *there*
I hope

Ok, so it's a *loose* translation - but it gets the idea across :)
if only the last line were true.


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