The L-Space Web: Filks

Right Said Gid

From: MegaMole
Subject: [I] Right (filk)
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2000 22:43:40 +0100

Blame Cookie for the idea. And Barry for egging him on (though how he could do that when the Sad One doesn't like eggs is hard for me to guess).

This is in sort of homage to Peter's new computer, too. And to the spirit of adventure (80' proof) that lives in Gid's pshed. And to fun with Linux installs.

Wonder if this should go to, too? They won't get the injokes, but still...

Tune - Right, said Fred (the original - not that dreck 90s band with the oiled muscles and posing pouches).

Right, said Gid
Plug it in the network,
One each end and steady as we go

Tried to /root it
Couldn't even boot it
We was getting nowhere and so
Had a pint of beer and

Right, said Gid
Go and email Cookie
Up comes Cookie from the floor below

After straining
A format, some complaining,
We was getting nowhere, and so
Had a pint of beer and

Cookie had a think and he thought
We ought
To clean the motherboard out
And change the power cord out
But it did no good;
Well, I never thought it would

Right, said Gid
Have to take the disk off
To get that drive off wouldn't take a mo

Took its drive off
Even turned the live off
Should have got us somewhere
But no...
So Gid said "Let's have another pint of beer",
And we said

Right, said Gid
Have to take the door off
Need more air to boot the so-and-so;

Broke the muvver
Taking off the cover,
*And* it got us nowhere and so
Had a pint of beer and

Right, said Gid
Have to take the modem
That there modem's gonna have to go

Modem came out
Even then - a flame-out,
We was getting nowhere and so
Had a pint of beer and

Cookie had a think and he said look Gid
I got a workaround, pard -
If we removed the sound card
With a kick or two
We could pull the blighter through

Right, said Gid,
And he took down the backplate
With his wrench till the motherboard appeared

That fix didn't suit her -
Half a ton of puter
Fizzled like the bristles of his beard...
So Cookie and me had another pint of beer
And then we went home.

"Now I said to Cookie, we'll just have to leave it running Windows,
that's all. You see the trouble with Gid is, he's... hoom... he's
too... hasty. Now you never get nowhere if you're too hasty. Hoom,

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