The L-Space Web: Filks


From: Mark Datko
Subject: [I] Newbie filk (was Re: [I] HELP)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 18:41:30 +0100

Chris Horry wrote:
> Welcome to afp, have you brought chocolate? No...awww - well here
> have some of mine... :)
> : uninitiated fan but tells me ... nothing I don't already know...
> : So how come I still don't understand this ng?... for example
> : what are the letters before each post in square brackets . eg[F]
> : [C]... You see I am a desparate case...
> The letters you see in the subject lines are "tags", because afp
> has such an insane number of posts here we need to categorise them
> somehow!
> There is a FAQ about this at (btw, [I]
> means, Irrelevant, in other words this post has nothing to do with
> pterry's books/whatever)

Perhaps this may help :

Some afper posts are bad
They can really make you sad
Other posts just make you swear and curse
When your'e downloading afp gristle
Don't grumble, give a whistle
And this'll help things turn out for the best
Always tag your posts on a f p
Be it [I] or [R] or possibly [C]
If replies seem jolly rotten
There's something you've forgotten
And that's to stop and choose your words with care
Don't end up being flamed
Or killfiles at you aimed
Just lurk a little, then you'll post with flair
Always tag your posts on a f p
Be it [F] or [R] or possibly [C]
For we all are quite absurd
What ? You hadn't heard
But occasionally discuss the Discworld with some grace
Keep your postings trim
Give the audience a grin
Enjoy it :-) It's a very friendly place
Always tag your posts on a f p
Be it [F] perhaps[A] ? or possibly [C]


The L-Space Filk section is maintained by the L-Space Librarians,
who always welcome questions, comments, or new filks.

The L-Space Web is a creation of The L-Space Librarians
This mirror site is maintained by A.H.Davis