From: Karen <> Subject: [FAQ] {M} {I} {G} {R} {A} {F} - tagging and how it works Newsgroups:,,alt.books.pratchett Summary: This FAQ documents the system of Subject tags used in the Pratchett newsgroups to keep the traffic manageable. Followup-To: poster Reply-To: Organization: I live in hope Keywords: Pratchett Discworld FAQ netiquette subject tags keycodes Approved: X-Autoposter: This FAQ was autoposted by <> X-Archive-name: pratchett/subject-tag-faq X-Posting-Frequency: weekly (on Wednesday) X-Last-modified: 27 May 2006 X-URL: <> Archive-name: pratchett/subject-tag-faq Posting-Frequency: weekly (on Wednesday) Last-modified: 27 May 2006 URL: <> This and all the other FAQs for Pratchett newsgroups and things Pratchett related may be found at: <> Additionally, if you are unable to find the answer to your query in the relevant FAQ, or have a more general query or request, there is a Help Facility to be reached by mailing: <> General advice on subscribing to and reading afp using a proper newsreader or Google Groups can be found here: <> --------------------------------------------------------------- * Alphabetti Spaghetti * AFP's [X] subject tags for threads - how and when to use them. You may find it useful to keep a copy of this handy for a while. can be a fairly heavy-traffic newsgroup. In addition, afp'ers tolerate off topic posts and don't restrict their contributions to matters strictly to do with Terry Pratchett, and his writings. The tags make it easier to sort the large numbers of posts. You can visually sort the threads into the main categories of interest and avoid those of least interest. It also enables automatic selection, sorting or kill-filing, for those with newsreaders with a kill-file facility [1]. NB if you are forced to post through Google Groups be warned that it strips out the tags and the quoted content of the last post. You will need to return both to your reply manually :-( When adding a tag, if you eliminate the space between the tag and the subject line it should be preserved, even on Google. (using the Google 'options' to display as tree, show original etc may help you.) Feedback to Google to point out how unhelpful this is to usenet groups may eventually convince them to return to something more suitable to newsgroups who use a tagging convention. The following guidelines should help you but if all else fails please remember the zeroth law of tagging. It doesn't merit outraged nitpicking reactions to untagged or wrongly tagged articles - a courteous explanation or reminder is ample. Our articles are in practice more likely to be read if tagged correctly but its not a hanging offence to make a simple mistake and shouldn't be treated like one :- 0) Tagging was devised to serve afp and afpers. Not the other way round. 1) Please add tags when starting a thread, or when following up to a thread where a tag has been lost. The tag is most useful at the beginning of the subject so that it can aid sorting. 2) Please change the tag, as the subject matter changes eg from [R] to {I} [remove the old tag completely, or else "deactivate" it by changing the square brackets to some other symbol, e.g. This FAQ has square brackets around the actual tag which is [FAQ] and curly brackets are used to "deactivate" the other tags. 3) One is enough! Multiple tagging can generally be avoided by reading the definitions below, if in doubt feel free to ask. 4) Please *don't* introduce use of new tags. Such proposals should be discussed on group first. Many new tags have been suggested before - try looking on google groups before suggesting new tags, its a regular subject :-} Similarly please stick to the "[X]" format. 5) NB for those who are new to afp but are familiar with tagging, the [Q] tag for questions is not in use on these groups. Currently recognised tags are: [A] - Annotation - articles commenting upon, or explaining references in Terry Pratchett's novels and shorter stories. Leo Breebaart (, and his able assistant Mike Kew ( use [A] tagged articles to help them select additions to the awesome Annotated Pratchett File which may be obtained from <> Please check the APF before submitting new annotations. [R] - Relevant - articles (other than annotations) that are directly related to and are discussing Terry's works, publications, theatrical productions, films, websites, and other activities based upon them, including the companion maps, art & craftwork, inasmuch as they relate to the original works and each other. [I] - Irrelevant - threads whose subjects are not directly related to Terry's works, publications or other "spin-offs" nor to afp fan activity, nor to afp-the-newsgroup. Please bear in mind that [I] is not intended as a licence to repeatedly introduce contentious or other subjects for their own sake - consider whether the subject has already been aired recently and is still of wider interest. [M] - Meta - These are for the discussion of issues relating to afp itself and how it operates. Please look at them when they arise - this is your group. They are the forum for discussing changes to the way your usenet community operates (eg how tagging is used, FAQ issues etc), as well as activity on the newsgroup and matters generally within the group itself which may be of concern/interest to subscribers. Fresh eyes often make particularly valuable contributions to these discussions. [F] - Fan - details of afp fan activity, normally "in real life" (or as close as afpers get to the same), frequently involving hostelries and other establishments serving alcoholic beverages and/or curries...Also, reports on such activities, links for pictures etc, proposals for repeat events and other activities, information about fandom services, resources etc. [C] - Cascade - content-free, "articles" deliberately building up a "cascade", or visual effect. Please remember the negative effect of cascades upon afp as well as bandwidth wasted, before starting another cascade and at the least, retag it and trim quotation to the references, plus the cascade itself. Where a cascade arises from another thread please retag it promptly. [G] - Game - articles about the discworld computer games and, by extension, about earlier discworld games, and those as-yet unwritten whether board-, computer-, jigsaw- or fantasy role- playing- games...TCoM is on [ANNOUNCE] - an article cross-posted from, and also cross-posted to alt.books.pratchett; plus followups. This may be [F], [G], [M] - or even [R]. [to make an announcement to afpa send it to the moderator Submissions should be sent in with clear subjectlines, repeating all important information from subjectlines in the main body of the text. There is a FAQ for submissions to afpa which you may find useful.] For meet related activities it is also a good idea to mail the relevant meet mail list with copies of announcements and the additional details for speedier spreading of information. See: <> [FAQ] - an article of fundamental importance to the way a newsgroup works - from Frequently Asked Questions. These should be considered the supporting documents of the afp community and are . periodically posted to afp; available at <> Guidelines specific to Alt.books.pratchett: Please read the "ABP Posting Guidelines" for detailed information specific to ABP. These comments relate to the use of tagging specifically. This is now posted regularly to ABP as a FAQ. All posts should be relevant to the works of Terry Pratchett so the [R] and [I] tags are effectively redundant on posts specific to ABP. [R] is obviously still needed for posts crossed to AFP, [I] cross-posts from/to AFP would inevitably be off topic for ABP and so should not be made. The tag most commonly in use on ABP is the [A] tag, which distinguishes annotations from other relevant posts. Where threads become [I] they may be crossed to AFP to continue the [I] discussion on that group *if* the thread is likely to be of interest to the readers of AFP (of which you may well be one) - please remember to change/add the tag and set followups to AFP. Elsewise let it die out or cross to a more appropriate group instead. Or of course there is always "follow-up to poster"... Finally, speculation about future developments is now acceptable on ABP. BUT please remember to include a subheader [SPECULATION] inside the post just above the speculative section. This is not a "tag" as such and does not need to be added to the heading unless the entire post is [SPECULATION]. Currently speculation is considered unacceptable on AFP - please remember this if cross posting threads there - add the [R] and excise the [SPECULATION]. There is also now a 'speculation mail list' available. General comments: If you are new to usenet and everything seems strange, and hard to follow, lurking a while, reading threads as they develop, and also reading the other FAQ's (such as the short "Welcome FAQ's") should help. The main newsgroup FAQ, the afp-faq, maintained by Orin Thomas, is a useful reference whilst lurking and subsequently. Then when posting - think about last week's posts. Which do you actually remember? Which do *you* wish you had written? Which of your own posts will you be pleased to see in the *public archives* in years to come? And remember - you are never obliged to follow up a post. Thanks to Julie Ellis for tidying up the FAQ formatting for me :) [1] - afp-help can probably answer questions on how to killfile using most of the popular offline newsreaders in use - but please check the documentation first, then ask of your 'net software's publisher, or your isp's help/support desk (or line), if they were the provider: they are more likely to have the detailed answers already. This link may also help: <> --