AFP DiplomacyThis file is periodically posted to alt.fan.pratchett.announce, a moderated newsgroup serving alt.fan.pratchett.. Many moons ago (1996 actually, but who's counting?), a discussion started in AFP about the game known as DIPLOMACY. Several people thought it'd be a nice idea to start an afp game of diplomacy where like minded people could team up, play a game, and then stab each other in the back. Thus afpdip was born. Afpdip was ran for a while on Murky's machine, then Leo came along and offered afpdip an Lspace home - therefore you can join our happy throng of back stabbing devils by sending a blank email to afpdip-request@lspace.org with the word subscribe in the subject line. If you would like to find out more about Diplomacy you could take a look at "The Diplomat", our website. http://www.ftech.net/~monark/dip/index.htm There are links from there to other diplomacy sites. New games start as and when there is demand, and someone to run the game. There is even a discworld variant... Even if a game doesn't start soon, if you're interested it would be good to watch the progression of the current games - know your enemy.... Note: 'Diplomacy cluelessness' can be addressed through examples and watching games take place - general cluelessness cannot. Please be willing to read the information which has been made readily available on the website, most information is linked to from there. |