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Susan and SM) X-No-Archive: Yes At dawn of the third age of mankind James Bunny(TM) posted. The date is 12 Aug 1996 17:18:39 GMT, the name of the place is alt.fan.pratchett: > What exactly *IS* Diplomacy, anyway? Can
someone A game where you <Brains>try to take over the world, Binky[1]</brains>. It's like "Risk"[2], but without the dice. One proceeds by making deals with other players (as one can only make progress at first with the cooperation of others) and you make deals to team up on other people. You all write down what you want to do, the orders are compared and what actually happens is worked out. At some point you will have to break your word and backstab people. [1] Binky as
in small stupid mouse rather than large horse of death. Murky B http://www.ftech.net/~monark/ -- "Zathras honoured to meet you, for *many* reasons. Zathras also honoured to meet *you*, for other reasons" (Zathras returns, B5, War without end (part 1)) Go to next post in
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