The Hundred Years' War Diplomacy variant of diplomacy follows the most of the rules as standard diplomacy with a modified map. The game was designed to allow a balanced three-player variant for quick games when 7 players aren't available. The game is called Hundred3 because it is designed for three players. Hundred3 simulates the end of the Hundred Years' War between France, England and Burgundy. The game starts in 1425, at the height of Anglo-Burgundian gains versus France. The starting positions are : B-Burgundy E-England A Dijon A Calais A Flanders A Guyenne A Luxembourg A Normandy F Holland F English Channel F London F-France A Dauphine A Orleanais A Paris A ToulouseThere are 17 supply centres, so you need 9 to win Full Rules and credits follow:
bch Bristol Channel brt Brittany ech English Channel nmd Normandy num Northumbria nth North Sea dov Strait of Dover was The Wash pal The PaleNote, Hundred3 adds The Pale, The Atlantic, Anjou, Charolais, and Alsace, and removes the French center in Provence (moving it to Castile as a neutral), but is otherwise unchanged from Hundred V1.1. Unlike Standard Diplomacy, Hundred does not fully distinguish between home supply centers and initially neutral supply centers. All but 4 supply centers (and all non-SCs) are named for regions rather than cities. This is to represent the importance of the duchies and counties for which the participants in the Hundred Years' War fought. In addition, the designation between home and neutral SCs is of less importance since all owned/unoccupied centers can build units. The four exceptions to the general rule of naming SCs for provinces are the 3 capital cities of London, Paris and Dijon, and the city of Calais. Calais kept a city name because of the unique importance of the port of Calais within Artois, but Artois and art are also valid names. Some provinces which are now named for regions were originally named for cities when hundred was first tested. These names and abbreviations have been left coded into the judge for old-timers to use. Thus Holland can also be referred to as Amsterdam(ams), Flanders as Antwerp (ant), Orleanais as Orleans, and Devon as Plymouth (ply). The name of Aquitaine was changed to Guyenne to represent the nomenclature in the 15th century, but Aquitaine (aqu) is still a valid name for judge purposes. In addition, some non-SC centers can also be referred to by old-style names: Lorraine was Swabia (swa), Aragon was Catalonia (cat), Castile was Iberia (ibe), and Northumbria was Northumberland (the latter is really a much smaller subset of the former). You'll be able to tell an early Hundred player if he suggests A Aqu-Cat instead of A Guy-Ara. The variant was designed by Andy Schwarz with help from Eric Coffey, as well as fabulous input from the hundreds of players of the original Hundred. Larry Richardson was the JK who dealt with us to get it coded up originally. Dave Kleiman was kind enough to deal with this variant during some trying times as we ported over to USIN, and Nick Fitzpatrick played a major role in revising the initial set-up to V1.1. Version 2 was tested by Nic Chilton and Doug Essinger-Hileman, and the slight change to this Version (Hundred3) was helped by David Norman, with corroborating input from Kristian Dorph Petersen. Original Hundred Variant by Andy Schwarz copyright 1995. Hundred3 by Andy Schwarz, copyright 1997. Coded for the Judge by : Andy Schwarz (with significant aid from David Norman and his mapmaker program) Diplomacy, of course, is copyright Avalon Hill, Baltimore, MD, 1976! |