Playtest of the Octarine Varient
Current AFP Diplomacy Game Status
Results for Spring Fruibat '01 Movement Phase (SFB01M) in Hogfather
Agatean Empire
F Sdi - BHA
A Hng - Sdi
F Bes - PEL
Circle Cities
F Ank Pse
A Omn-Bet
A Eph-Van
F Bla-Rrk
A Gen-Vie
F Kyt-Swa
Hubland Barbarians
F Un2-Hwo
A Hub-Un1
A Vor-Koo
A Mun-Ush
A Gha-Tez
A How-Lao
F Ura-SBe
A Tso-Nef
A Wyr - Gon
A Lla - Rmt
F Chi - HTO
A Ter-Pur
Unless where indicated, the moves are successful.
Muntab did not submit orders for the fleet on the Rimward coast of Rehigreed. It was assumed to be holding.
Next phase is FFB01M with a deadline of Weds 20th Nov, 6pm GMT This
is slightly longer than it should be as Ydris is away for the w/end -
please get all negotiations done there ASAP, Ydris should be back on
tuesday. I'd advise that any mail sent to Ydris be clearly marked so
that Priority may be given to it.
May I say that I heartily approve of the practice of sending in
orders early and amending them later if needed.... If worried about
processing before deadline then I will honour any "wait" requests....
Please wait until deadline
Please notify if all orders are in (though, if two people do this
then there may be problems!)
Please do not process until 12 hours before the deadline at the
I have started to receive a diary or two.... I am grateful for this
an will HTML as I go.
Needless to say that in the future the website will be updated when I
send the results.
Please don't forget to put "Hogfather GM" somewhere in the subject of any
Hogfather related mail to me...
You should already be subscribed to the mailing list for
receiving information. If you're not send a blank email to
afpdip-request@lspace.org, the subject should contain
the word "subscribe" (no quotes) you should receive a welcome
The players are:
Agatean Empire (A) = Jake N. Aard
Hubland Barbs. (H) = Piers Forrest
Genua (G) = Ydris
Ogg (O) = Mike Smith
Circle Cities (C) = Hosun Lee
Muntab (M) = Edward Arthur Buffery
NefLands (N) = John Fouhy
XXXX (X) = Jason Gool
GM = Murky B (that's me)
The Varient Details are available.